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Harry's P.O.V

For the first time in a month, I actually felt better. I didn't feel like my old self but better.

I was standing in the kitchen in the, supporting myself on the counter, when Al came through the floo.

"Hey papa." He smiled slightly and made his way over to me. "How are you feeling?" He asked and I gave a shy smile back.

"Alright actually." I said and leaned in to embrace him. "How are you?" I asked. He had disclosed some information about himself saying he needed to see a healer to help him deal with everything that was going on. I didn't blame him; it was a stressful time not only for me but everyone around me.

"I'm doing better actually." He nodded. "I mean, better than I was."

"You're not stuttering."

"Yeah, took the potion you have me back when I was a kid." He said and then beckoned for me to sit. "Have you taken the pain potions Scorp got you?" He asked and I nodded.

"Possibly part of the reason I am feeling better." I smiled at him and sat at the table. He started to look through cabinets.

"Is Draco going shopping? You barely have food." He pointed out and I nodded.

"Yup that's where he is now. Took me forever to convince him to leave, he's scared I'll die when he leaves."

"Don't joke about that." He glared as he pulled out four slices of bread.

"I know I didn't mean to." I put my hands up in defense. "It's just I was really freaked out the other day and scared us both." I said and he sighed. He placed the bread in the toaster and pushed the button down so it goes down.

"How so?" He asked and went to the stove to make tea.

"I um was feeling pretty bad and I asked him if he thought I was going to die, he asked me my opinion and I told him yes." I refused to meet Albus' gaze. When I finally looked up, he was giving me a sad smile. He walked over to me and sat down with me grasping my hands with his.

"Papa, you just freaked yourself out. I know this is hard; it is on all of us. Just remember that it's going to be okay."

"How can you be so sure?!" I yelled and threw his hands away. "Albus, you're not here for the bad times where I can't get out of bed. Where I vomit and can't keep anything down. Where I am afraid to even sleep because I'm afraid I'll die!" I yelled and he stared at me.

"Papa." He said calmly. "I understand this is hard for you. I understand you're scared." He told me softly. "But papa, you can't always be strong. You need to let us help you in any way we can. If you need us to move in with you for extra help, we'll move in. If you need a healer here with you 24/7, we'll do that for you. You're scared and just because you were a Gryffindor does not mean you can't be scared."

"You can't move in here with me, Salem's school-"

"Is just a car ride away."He cut in. "Papa, you'll be okay. You just need to remember that. Remember that you can be scared and we'll be here to pick you up. Draco, he's strong but it's killing him to see you like this. I see it Papa, it kills him just as much as it kills you. If you need us to help you both, we'll be here in a heartbeat." He told me and I nodded. The water went off so he got up and poured two mugs. He placed some potion in one and then the toast popped up. He levitated the mugs to the table, making sure the potion one went to me, and then snapped so the toast was buttered. He brought it over to me so we can eat it.

Everything's Not Always Okay (Scorbus) (Drarry) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now