I Hate Naming Chapters...

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Draco's P.O.V

I rushed to the hospital leaving Scorpius and Salem behind. Albus had sent me a patronus saying Harry had passed out and that he was taking him to the muggle hospital. I thought it was best to have Scorpius to stay home two reasons. 1) Salem didn't need to be there and no one would watch him 2) Albus would be there and I didn't want an argument to happen in the middle of the hospital. I ran in and Albus was waiting it the waiting room tapping his foot.

"Albus?" I called and ran over to him as he lifted his head.

"H-he was r-rushed into s-surgery." He stuttered.

"What happened?" I asked sitting down.

"H-he and I-I were t-talking and h-he stood u-up but c-collapsed."

"Did he say anything?" I asked and he nodded.

"H-he said h-he w-was going t-to sleep."

"Okay were you two just talking or yelling?"

"A-a little of b-both." He told me and I nodded letting out a breath. "I-I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." I sighed angrily. "I'm going to talk to the doctors?" I asked in a question and he nodded. "The doctors." I said and he nodded. I got up and went up to the desk.

"Excuse me, my husband was just rushed here and his son said he's in surgery."

"Name?" She asked.

"I'm Draco Potter-Malfoy." I said and she sighed.

"I meant of the patient."
"Oh um Harry Potter-Malfoy." I bit my lip and she typed something in the punchy thing connected to the screen.

"You should go up to the third floor and wait there, the surgeon will come out to talk to you." She said and I bid her a 'thanks' before grabbing Albus. We went on the lift in silence and trotted got off on the third floor. We sat in the waiting room where nobody was so I turned to Albus.

"What happened today?" I asked and he rolled his eyes slightly. I didn't think he meant it in a rude way more as an exhausted way.

"I got scared." He said not stuttering.

"And why?"
"I just had so much built up emotion and before I knew it, I was gone and leaving Scorpius."

"Are you going to talk to him?" I asked and he nodded.

"I need some time though."

"Fine, where are you staying?"

"At a hotel." He answered.

"You're coming home with me tonight." He told me and I nodded. We waited in silence for awhile and around 10:15pm, Dr. Walton walked out. I walked over to him and he smiled.

"Harry's doing great. We're almost done removing the tumor and then he should be fine."

"Okay um what?" I asked shocked and he motioned for me to sit. We sat next to a sleeping Albus.

"Harry's tumor was not rupturing but close to it. From what we saw the tumor was pushing against his skull probably due to stress. We're removing the tumor and after that he should be good as new." He said and I let out a relieved sob.

Everything's Not Always Okay (Scorbus) (Drarry) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now