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A/N-Seems like I've upset you

Draco's P.O.V

"Albus left me." Scorpius looked at us and swallowed hard.

"What do you mean he left you?" Harry asked. I quickly made him sit and Scorpius looked at us.

"He talked to dad this morning." He said and chocked on a sob. He looked at me and shook his head. "A-after you l-left, he s-started to yell. H-he told m-me I-I was causing him s-so much pain." He let out a sob and buried his face into his hands. Harry pulled him into his chest and he started bawling.

"Draco what did you talk to him about?" Harry asked and I sat in the arm chair.

"I asked him what was wrong and he was telling me that he was upset. He just said he wanted to talk that he was tittering on depression. He didn't say anything about leaving you." I said and he lifted his face.

"Well he did. He told me I've changed and that I treat him like an invalid." He said.

"How long ago did he leave?" Harry asked gently.

"Right after dad took Salem away." Scorpius' voice cracked. "What am I going to tell the children?"

"Nothing, tell Salem he's on a vacation." Harry chimed in.

"That's what Astoria said before she left us." Scorpius chuckled pitifully. "And you said that before leaving Ginny."


"He's going to ask for a divorce isn't he? He's going to fucking throw away fifteen years of us. He's been my only boyfriend and husband. We have a family together and a baby on the way, oh fuck! I can't raise a baby on my own!" He cried again and Harry held him.

"Did he say where he was going?" I asked and he shook his head.

"He just packed things and left, I-I tried to stop him but he told me to stop. Told me I've done enough damage."

"I'll go find him and talk to him." Harry suggested.

"I'll come with you." I said and he shook his head.

"Sorry love, Albus is biologically my son so I need to take this. I will be fine trust me. You need to take care of Scorpius."

"Okay." He got up and kissed Scorpius' head. He came over to me and kissed my lips.

"Good luck." He whispered and stepped through the floo. He disappeared and I went over to the couch.

"Calmly tell me what happened, detailed." I said softly and sat down. He took a deep breath.

"You left and he said we needed to talk. I asked him, calmly, what he wanted to talk about."

"Okay." I nodded.

"He started off calm but he just started yelling at me. He said I was working too much and that I was never there for him then he started yelling at me saying I was there for him too much. It didn't make sense."

"Did you backlash?"

"I was too shocked to." He said quietly. "I mean I've seen him get angry and yelling before but it just looked like he was getting all his anger out." He told me and I nodded. "Why did you tell me you were sorry?"

Everything's Not Always Okay (Scorbus) (Drarry) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now