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Third Person P.O.V

Since the nightmare that happened a week prior, Scorpius monitored his husband closely. He was worried that Albus might try something he'd regret. The healer had told them that he needed to be put on dreamless sleep and advised Scorpius to watch him. She was frightened by the dream too seeing as he took a drastic turn.

"Albus love, you need to eat." Scorpius said crawling into the bed.

"N-not h-hungry." He stuttered and Scorpius mentally cursed.

"You have to eat something Al, it's been awhile."

"S-Scorp!" Albus shouted. "S-stop."

"Albus please." Scorpius begged and Albus turned so he was facing Scorpius. His eyes glistened with tears. Scorpius took a minute to take in his husband's appearance. His eyes had dark circles around them, his face was sinking in due to lack of nutrition, and he looked really pale. "You haven't eaten in two days Al."

"S-Scorp, I-I don't n-need to e-eat."

"Yes you do." Scorpius pestered. "Eating is healthy love, you're not being healthy."

"S-Scorpius." Albus' voice was stern but shaky. "L-Leave me a-alone." He said and Scorpius sighed but nodded.

"Okay Albus, don't eat." Scorpius said and kissed Albus' face. "I love you Albus." He said and walked away. He ran fingers through his hair as a stressed habit. He walked into the kitchen and Salem was eating cereal at the table.

"Hi daddy." Salem smiled and Scorpius smiled kissing his son's head.

"Hi love, what are you eating?" Scorpius asked.

"Trix are for kids." He said and Scorpius laughed.

"Trix? Hmm are they good?"

"Yes!" Salem piped.

"Where did you get them?" Scorpius asked.

"Hope you don't mind but I gave them to him." Draco said walking from the bathroom and Scorpius jumped.

"When did you get here?" He asked and looked around.

"Harry is at home." He said. "I got here like ten minutes ago, is everything alright?"

"No." Scorpius sighed. He turned to his son. "Love go finish that in the living room but don't spill." He ordered and Salem nodded trotting away.

"What's going on?" Draco asked sitting next to his son.

"Albus isn't eating and hasn't for two days. He won't get out of bed, I-I don't know what else to do."

"Dream must have really affected him."

"More than affected him; destroyed him." Scorpius ran a hand through his hair again.

"He'll come around, what did the healer say?"

"She said to keep a close eye on him. I can't always be there with him." He was on the verge of tears. "I missed this entire week of work and he's not working, I-I can't-" He cut himself off my burying his face into his arms. Draco gently rubbed his son's back trying to lull him.

"Scorpius, there isn't much you can do. Albus needs to come out of this alone and I know that seems harsh but you can't do anything for him if he's not complying."

Everything's Not Always Okay (Scorbus) (Drarry) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now