The Kids

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Draco's P.O.V

I kissed Harry goodbye and gave Albus a hug. I was going to tell the kids with McGonagall's permission to see them. I had to explain to her the situation and she was very upset to hear the news. I took a deep breath and stepped in the floo. I went through and stumbled into McGonagall's office.

"Nice to see you Mister Potter-Malfoy." McGonagall greeted.

"Morning Professor." I nodded in her direction. She gave me a look of sorrow.

"How is he doing?" She asked and I sighed.

"Started chemo yesterday, makes him really sick so I'd day not well but you know him, he's a fighter."

"I am aware and I send my best wishes." She told me and I gave a small smile. "Now breakfast ended not too long ago so classes have started. Fortunately for you, your children have potions with the Hufflepuffs."

"Is that so? Snakes and Badgers, would have never guessed." I nodded my head.

"Well that is now since the lions have charms with the Ravenclaw." She told me. "Now we can just go down there now." She told me and I nodded. We walked out and around the castle in complete silence. The cool feeling of the dungeons washed over me and I smiled at the familiarity. She brought be just outside the room and knocked on the door.

"Excuse me Slughorn but I need the Potter-Malfoy twins and Harriet Malfoy." She said and I heard shuffling before all three of them walked out wide eyed and pale. Harriet was the first to spot me and ran over to me.

"Poppop! What are you doing here?" She asked hugged me.

"Hi princess. We need to have a talk." I told her.

"Dad, is everything okay?" Ebony asked me giving me a side hug. Phoenix hugged me as well and I sighed.

"We need to talk guys." I said

"Draco, feel free to bring them into an empty classroom." McGonagall told me and I nodded. I motioned for them to follow me and they filed into the other classroom that was near the potions room. I sat on the teacher's desk as they sat on the desks in front of me.

"Wait poppop, how is dada doing?" Harriet asked.

"Your fathers are fine, getting better but doing fine."

"Then why are we here?" Ebony asked.

"Well um." I started. "There isn't an easy way to say this so I'll just come out with it. Your father and granddad has a brain tumor." I said. Their faces went blank and they blinked at me.

"P-papa has a brain tumor?" Phoenix was the first to recover from the shock.

"Yes but its not cancerous but they are treating him with chemo. It's a muggle medicine that will kill the cell and hopefully shrink the mass."

"W-will he live?" Ebony asked.

"Most likely yes." I let out a breath.

"Is there a chance he'll die?" Harriet asked.

"I am unsure but anything can happen." I told them and they nodded.

"So like are we allowed to see him?" Phoenix asked.

"You can see him when you get back for the holiday's." I told them and they nodded. "But he would probably enjoy letters from you guys."

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