What Happened?

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Harry's P.O.V

I stayed awake most of the night. I had called Draco on the phone from the hospital and explained the situation. He understood and told me he would watch Salem until Scorpius gave him the okay to leave.

"Papa?" Someone said and I jolted up from my chair.

"Al?" I whispered. Scorpius was still sleeping next to him. I rushed to his side and he slowly opened his eyes.

"Papa." He said and I sat in the chair next to him. I brushed a hand through his hair, it was all sweaty still.

"I'm here." I whispered. He looked around and took in his surroundings. He squeezed his eyes shut and tears started to drip out of them.

"I-I lost it." He sniffled. "D-didn't I?"He asked and I sighed. I rested my hand on his and squeezed it.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. He let out a heart breaking sob that woke up Scorpius.

"Albie?" Scorpius said.

"I-'I'm sorry." Albus cried and Scorpius threw himself on Albus.

"Shh it's not your fault." Scorpius stroked his hair gently. "You're good. You're okay." He gently stroked his face and then kissed his cheek. Scorpius got him to calm down and he sniffled. He was hiccupping a little and I squeezed his hand.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

"Not well." He said and I touched his forehead.

"You're a little warm." I said. "I'll go get the healer."

"Okay." He whispered. I left the room and sought out the healer. She was at the desk and I walked up.

"Healer Twist, Albus is awake." I said.

"Oh great!" She chirped. "I'll go check on him."

"He's feeling warm." I said and she nodded.

"Alright I'll get some potions to give to him and we'll regulate everything. Have you told him the news?"


"Okay it was best that someone he's close to told him." She gave a sensitive smile. "I'm sorry again." I just nodded and sighed.

"I should get back."

"I'll be in there shortly." She said and I nodded. I walked back into the room but when I heard Scorpius quietly whispering to him, I stopped just outside.

"And our baby is in heaven now where they're an angel." He whispered. "They're safe and warm wherever they are and maybe, soon enough, their soul will be put into a new body and make some like person very happy. As happy as they would have made us." He said and I heard Albus sniffle. "And you know our third baby will always be with us. I will be forever thankful that you can carry my children."

"I love you Scorp." Albus sniffled.

"I love you to the moon and back."

"They really love each other." A voice made me jump and I turned. Healer Twist was in tears but she was smiling.

"How long have you been there?"
"A few seconds after you." She said. "I saw you waiting and then realized you were listening to the voices."

Everything's Not Always Okay (Scorbus) (Drarry) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now