Christmas wish

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Your POV
I was sitting in my bedroom on Christmas day all alone. My parents had left to go to some stupid christmas party.
All the sudden I hear a knock at the door I groan in disgust because I'm the laziest person in the world and hate getting up. As i open the door i see the face of a person i never thought i would see again. Shawn. The boy who had broken my heart two months ago. The boy who told me he was in love with someone else. The boy who had kept me awake for days thinking on what i had did wrong. I was snapped out of my thoughts with him saying something. "Y/n" he whispers. I slowly look up trying not to look in his eyes because i know when if i do i might fall in love again. "Your back from tour?" I manage to get out. "Yea home for the holidays" he says. "Listen" his voice says. "I can't do this anymore, pretending I'm ok without you because I'm not." He says in a medium tone. "What did the other girl reject you or something?" I scream on the verge of tears. "No. There is no other girl i just thought i could move on without you but i cant. You are on my mind 24/7." He pulled me in a bear hug wile playing with my hair like he used to. "Y/n you forgive me i need you back in my life in need you." "Yes" i managed to get out. He pulled me in placing a kiss on my lips and laying his forehead on mine. "Y/n i got my christmas wish." He whispered. "What was it?" I replied. "You." He said.
---------------------------------------------Merry Christmas guys sorry i haven't been updating as frequently but I've been studying and stuff like that so ya comment some requests and ill use some also comment some other good shawn fanfics cuz ive been looking for a good read😂 anyways bye

12/7/16 : wow I was gonna edit this but there is so many mistakes I'm so TRIGGERED

12/17/16: I decided to just re write the entire thing as a new imagine because the concept was good but the imagine was horrible go check it out it's called 'Christmas wish (better version) X)

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