Our Baby

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Your POV
"Mommy mommy, wake up!" My three year old daughter yelled.
"SSSHHH your gonna wake up daddy, baby." I cooed back. But it was too late Shawn started to roll around and slowly wake up.
"Too late." Shawn replied with grogginess visible in his voice.
Honey whats the matter?" I asked half awake.
"I had a bad dream,mama can I sleep here?" She asked with tears brimming in her eyes.
I looked to Shawn for approval. He agreed.
"Of course,honey."
She claimed in the middle of me and Shawn and soon drifted off to a peaceful sleep.
I took this time to take in her features. Something I rarely did often.
She had Shawn's beautiful caramel eyes,and my curly brown hair. He facial features fit her face perfectly.
"Our baby is so beautiful." I cooed.
"Just like her mother." Shawn replied.
And with that we both drifted of to sleep.
a/n yay I finally updated lol.
Daddy mendes makes me happy lol.

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