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Thanks to kkyylliiie for the request!!!!!!
Your pov
Today me and my boyfriend Shawn were going roller skating. Im really exited because I actually know how to skate... Surprising right?
Once we got to the rink we got our skates on and went on the rink.
I don't think i have ever seen Shawn so scared he was holding on to the wall for dear life, honestly it was pretty funny.
After a couple hours roller skating we decided that this would be our last lap. Only a couple minutes into the lap Shawn stated loosing his balance and ended up falling to the ground. "Do you have a bandaid Y/n because im falling hard for ya?"
-------/----///---------///----------//////---A/n well this sucked... Sorry i was writing that at church lol 😂😂 please send me some requests and favorite byeee

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