Out of love pt.3

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November 5,2016
Dear diary,
Today is the day! The day I see Shawn again. The day that makes me move on or the day that breaks me even more. Today his mom invited me to his welcome home party (from tour.) I'm terrified more than anything. Wish me luck...
Delilah's POV (a/n thats her name lol)
As I slip in to my black dress (media) I cant help but wonder what today is going to be like. I have a feeling its going to involve lots of tears.
~ At the party~
As I walk through the house suddenly i'm pierced by his Carmel eyes, the eyes that have haunted my for the last year. Shawn's. "Delilah you look amazing how have you been?" IHe cooed. "Great" i reply. Lies lies lies. "How about you?" I ask. "Good, stressed with all this touring ,but now that i'm home i can't wait to relax." "Cool! Im going to grab a drink ill see you around." I said with tears brimming in my eyes.
How could he be like that. So nonchalant like nothing ever happened between us. Like he never broke my heart. Like he never fell out of love.
Idk how I want this story to go lol

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