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For Karina sorry it took so long
Karina's POV

Today me and my wonderful boyfriend Shawn were going out for a quick walk in the town.
I was a little bit nervous because Shawn and I were going without either of our body guards,let's just say that this should be interesting.
"Are you ready to leave, babe?" Shawn asks with a goofy grin."
"Yea just let me get my shoes on and We can leave."
~in the middle of the walk~

"THANK YOU SHAWN I LOVE YOU SO MUCH." The last girl on line said.
Shawn has been taking pictures with his fans for the past hour. I mean it bothers me that we can't be normal sometimes but his fans make him so happy,therefore they make me happy.
"Hey Karina, I love your YouTube covers,do you think I could get a quick picture with you?" A nervous male voice said from behind me.
I turn around to see a VERY VERY attractive boy who looked around my age. I mean he was cute but not as cute as Shawn.
"Of course, do you have a pose you want to do?" I ask.
"Do you think you could kiss my cheek,I mean it's okay if you say no-" he starts rambling.
"Of course it will look cute!" I cut him off.
"Shawn,can you take the picture for us?" I ask
"Yea sure." Shawn says with an annoyed look on his face.
I walk over to the un named boy and place my lips on his cheek.
Shawn then snaps the photo and basically throws his phone back to the boy.
"Thank you so much, I love you." The boy says.
"No problem, I love you more." I reply,and give him one last hug.
Then I walk over to a very annoyed looking Shawn.
"Is there a problem?" I ask with attitude.
"Yea there is, my girlfriend just kissed a random boy right in front of me." He replied coldly.
"Shawn calm down it was for a picture you do it all the time with your fans." I reply,extremely done with him.
"Yea but when I do it it's different,I doubt that boy was even your fan, he probably doesn't even know who you are." Shawn says. Ouch that was kinda rude.
"Well I'm sorry not everyone is famous enough to sell out Madison square garden, and have their album him number one everywhere, but that doesn't mean I have supporters too." I start to raise my voice.
"Look Karina, I'm sorry I over reacted." Shawn says while looking at the ground.
"OMG your jealous!" I squeal.
"Am not!" He defends.
"ARE TOO!" I reply.
"Don't worry Shawn you have all my heart."
A/n sorry karina my writing kinda sucked lol I tried. Anyways GUYS ILLUMINATE IS OUT AND IT IS SO FUCKING GOOD MY FAV SONGS Are BAD REPUTATION AND ROSES COMMENT WHAT YOURS IS. Anyways I'll see you next time my lil muffins ily ❤️

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