Best friends

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This ones for you Lauren, sorry it took so lol.

Lauren's POV
"Come one Laur it's just one party." My best friend Shawn groans.
"You know I hate parties Shawn." I whine.
"Do you really want to spend your last year of high school lying in bed every Friday night?" He taunts.
"Yes, now leave me the hell alone." He rolls his eyes and walks out of my room.
Moments later he's back but my best friend Tiffany is with him.
"Get your ass up right now or I swear on my life I will hurt you." She threatens.
"Ugh fine what should I wear." I whine.
"Oh, I'll take care of that. Just get in the shower." Tiffany says.
I walk into my bathroom and hop into the shower. I wash my hair and body then got out and wrapped myself in a towel. I got out my blow dryer and began to dry my red hair. When I was done I straightened my hair and began on my makeup. I put on my everyday makeup and exited the bathroom. Shawn had already left my room but Tiffany was in my closet.
She pulled out a pair of black ripped jeans a white crop top and a distressed jean jacket.
I sighed and grabbed the clothing out of her hands. At least it wasn't a dress.
I walk into the bathroom and begin to get changed.
Not going to lie the outfit was kinda cute.
Once I'm finished I exit and walk back into my bed room.
Tiffany squeals when she lays her eyes on me.
"OMG YOU LOOK SO HOT!" She screams at the top of her lungs.
"Okay whatever lets go." I roll my eyes.
We get into Tiffany's car and head off to the party. Shawn must of left early. Shawn. Shawn is all I can think about recently. I must admit I have a tiny crush on him. Okay tiny meaning huge. Ever since the eighth grade and we are seniors now.
"HELLO" Tiffany yells, waking me up from my day dream.
"Oh, yeah sorry Tiff." I mumble.
"Get out we're here." She laughs.
The party was as cliche as you'd expect it to be; drunk teenagers everywhere and the smell of smoke clouded the air.
Great I already want to go home.
I start to scan the room in hopes that I'd find Shawn. My eyes light up when I spot him sitting in the kitchen with a couple other people from our school.
"Hey guys." I smile walking up to them.
"Hey Lauren." They all day in unison.
"We were just about to play truth or dare. Wanna join?" Shawn speaks up.
"Sure." I shrug.
We all sit in a circle and begin the game.
Thirty minutes into it and I hear my name for the first time.
"Lauren truth or dare?" Zach speaks up.
A smirk spreads across my face as I say "dare."
"Okay." Zach smirks back. "I dare you to kiss Shawn." He raises his eyebrow.
Shoot. Shoot. Shoot. I'm am so screwed. I can't kiss my crush.
"Um i don't know if I can do that..." I ramble trying to come up with an excuse.
"Come on its fine Laur." Shawn laughed.
My heart begins to race as he begins to lean in. The second our lips make contact fireworks explode inside of me.
I think I love him.
We pull apart much to my dismay. Shawn returns to his seat and begins to smirk at me.
"Shawn um can I talk to you?" I stutter.
"Sure" he replies.
We go into the hall way trying to find a quiet place.
It's time to come clean.
"Shawn I'm in love with you." I state.
"Oh my god you're kidding right?" He says.
"God I'm so stupid. I should've never told you. Ignore everything I just said." I blurt out.
"No Laur I love you more than you could ever imagine." He says.
Best. Party. Ever.

Not even close to edited lol

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