The one that got away pt.2

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For Taya thanks for the request ❤️

Taya's POV
Graduation was one week away and I was nervous as hell. Since me and Shawn had that big fight we still haven't talked. He is still dating that slut Lexi. (a/n that's my name and I assure you I'm not a slut lmao) She has him brain washed. But anyways that bitch Lexi is having a party for all the seniors tonight,and I rarely ever go to parties because I don't have many friends,I made an exception tonight.
------------getting ready for the party-------------
I'm not the type of girl who dresses up for parties so I just kept it casual. I put on some dark wash skinny boyfriend jeans and a turquoise crop top,that looked good against my tan skin. Next I curled my long dark hair and left it down. I put on my everyday makeup and headed outside for my friend Kris to pick me up.
----------------skip to the party--------------------
Once I walked in the smell of sweat and alcohol filled my nostrils. I decided to let loose tonight so I drank a couple of drinks,and by a couple I mean A LOT. The rest of the night was a blur. I remember dancing with someone. Soon that dancing escalated to kissing them kissing escalated to heading up stairs. Then upstairs we did somethings I'm not too proud of. ( a/n I'm so sorry Taya I have no idea how to write a smut lo) I soon woke up in a unfamiliar bed with a quite familiar brunette. Shawn. I slept with my ex best is this possible.
Soon enough he started to roll around and wake up. Shit. I quickly turned around and pretended to fall asleep.
"Taya I know your awake." He said.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
"Listen Taya I now what we did last night wasn't good but I still have the same feelings for you as I did in the begging of the year." He told me. Wow that's the thing. I've had feelings for Shawn this entire time,that explains why I was so jealous before.
"Shawn I like you too,but what about Lexi?" I asked.
"We broke up last night,that's why I got so drunk and,uh you know did it with you last night." He said awkwardly. (A/n lmao rip me and Shawn's relationship)
"Oh,Shawn even if this works out I'm leaving for college and your going on tour this just won't work." I said
"I guess your right,but just know I loved you so much." He said with his head in his hands.
Skip to after collage
I'm finally home. I made it through 4 long years of collage. I finally get to relax. I decided to go on a walk and clear my mind.
While I was walking I got a alert on my phone so I checked to see who it was. As soon as my eyes left my surroundings I felt a hard chest hit me. I look up to see that same brown eyes that i last saw 4 years ago. Shawn.
"We really need to stop meeting like this." I giggled.
"Yea,or else one day someone will get seriously hurt." He laughed too.
----------------skip to a couple months------------
Shawn and I have been dating for a few months now. I even moved in with him. Yea our relationship is kinda hard with his touring and stuff but it's worth it all. Shawn was taking me out on a date tonight. He said to dress really fancy,so I put on my long red dress with I slit by my leg. (media) Shawn and I left at around at around 8. We got to this really fancy restaurant that is extremely expensive. We ate and Shawn payed the check. I thought we were going home but Shawn took a wrong turn.
"Where are you going you missed a turn?" I asked
"Babe that's not all the date,we still have one place left."
"Well where are we going?" I asked.
"It's a surprise." He answered.
Soon we pulled up into a gazebo by a river. There was flower pedals making a path to the gazebo. I was overcome by happiness. What was Shawn doing? Shawn walked me to the gazebo that was lit up with fairy lights.
"Taya I've loved you ever since I slammed into you on the first day of school. I'm so extremely grateful for you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." And with that he got down on one knee. "Will you marry me Taya?" "YES YES A MILLION TIMES YES!!" I Yelled crying.
And the rest is history.

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