Snow day

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/Your pov/
It was a snowy day in Canada and I had a day off from school.My boyfriend Shawn came over to hang out.
"Babe what do you wanna do?" He sighed.
"Lets watch movies and eat food!" I cooed.
"What movie do you want to watch?" He asked
"Inside out!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
Shawn put the movie in wile i ran into the kitchen and grabbed all the food i could find.
Thats how we spent the entire day. Sitting watching movies and stuffing out faces. Lets just say it was the best snow day ever!
----/---------/---------/--------/-------/----A/n: That was really bad i know. I have no ideas right now so send me some requests so i can write. Also PLEASE follow me on twitter: @ mendesmuffkins And on instagram: @ mendesmuffins PLEASE IT WOULD BE AMAZING ❤️

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