Christmas wish (better version)

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Your POV
I was sitting on the couch watching some old Christmas movies all alone, fun, right. Christmas is supposed to be all about family and giving, but my family left me alone to go to a stupid Christmas party, and the only thing I was given was a stomach ache from the amount of popcorn I've been eating.
Sometimes I wonder about him. I wonder if he ever thinks of me too.
"Oh Christmas god, up there please send someone, anyone to save me from this boredom my family has bestowed upon me." I yell dramatically, trying to imitate the obnoxious actress in this over produced Christmas movie I was watching.
I secretly wish he would come save me. We would laugh about these stupid movies, while cuddling by the fire place. He would make sure that I would never be lonely on Christmas.
But he is probably doing that with his new girlfriend right now. They are probably cuddling and kissing, with over dramatic movies playing in the background.
Just like they were the night I walked in on them.
My thoughts were cut off by the loud door bell.
I let out a deep groan as I push my lazy ass of the couch.
My breath hitches as I open the door to reveal Shawn standing there.
"Your back from tour?" I manage to get out. "Yea home for the holidays" he says.
"Listen, I can't do this anymore, pretending I'm ok without you because I'm not." He says in almost a whisper.
"What did the other girl reject you or something?" I spit.
"No, I broke things off with her. I had to, you haunt me. Every day I think of you. I think of our little cuddling sessions by the fire while we laugh about how bad the movies we watched were. I fantasize about me getting you back. I pray to God every single day that you'd forgive me." He cried.
His words took my breath away.
"You want to know something?"I whisper.
"What?" He asks.
"All those things you just said, every damn thing was what I wished for this Christmas."

A/n: wowwwwww first Christmas/holiday imagine!!!!! I had originally wrote this last year but now that I re read it it sounds like complete crap lol so if you want to got read it and see how bad my writing was it's one of my first imagines I think my 3 rd but anyways I like this one 10xs better bye my lil muffins see ya next time ❤️😘

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