Three empty words

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Shawn's POV
There y/n sat with tears streaming down her eyes. She silently sobbed with her head in her hands. I didn't know what to do,and the sad part is I didn't care to do anything. I loved her ever since I was 15, but I guess times change, people grow, and now I feel I need to move on.
Your POV
"Please Shawn I love you, I love you more than life, please please don't leave me, I need you." I sobbed unable to control my breathing.
He was my light, my world, my oxygen. I guess I'm like trash now, used,unneeded,just waiting to be picked up by someone else. "I can't do this anymore, I don't love you,and I'm not going to act like I do just for you." He screamed,which took me by surprise. He didn't love me anymore,and there was nothing I could do about it. Once the realization hit that,I was damaging his happiness for the well being of my own,I broke down even more.
"We can't fix what's broken, and I can't keep on saying those three empty words." And with that he walked out of what was once our house,for the last time. :,(

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now