The one that got away pt.1

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(Requested) for Taya THANKS FOR THE REQUEST

Taya's POV
Today was the day. My first day of school. I recently moved from L.A to Canada,sucks right. I used to live in a big city with tons of friends now I had to move here. Honestly when my mom told me we were moving to Canada I cried with my best friend for days and tried to convince my mom to stay. But no,I ended up here.The only thing Canada offers is maple syrup,and the cold.
-----------getting ready------------
I woke up brushed my teeth,and washed my face. Then I headed to my room to pick out an outfit. It has to be perfect,it's the first day of my senior year and at a new school. I wanted to pick a cute outfit that was still casual. I decided on a black tee shirt dress with a black and white flannel and black high heeled booties. It was super cute!
Next I went down stairs and ate some breakfast. Then I was out the door. I jumped in my white Jeep Wrangler and drove to school .
Once I got there I went to the main office and got my schedule and stuff I needed.
I was on my way to my first class when
Boom I felt a heavy chest collide with my tiny one. I looked up too see a beautiful brunette who's hair was in a quiff (a/N idk if that's how you spell it) His light brown orbs blazing into my dark ones. He was gorgeous.
" Oh my gosh are you okay I hope I didn't hurt you-" he started rambling. "I'm perfectly fine." I said cutting him off. "Oh thank god,wait are you new here?" He asked. "Yea,I just moved here from LA." I replied. "Cool I'm Shawn." He said. "Nice to meet you I'm Taya." "What a pretty name for a pretty girl,here come on I'll show you around." He said.
------------------6 months later--------------------
I've been in Canada for 6 months now and I love it. Shawn and I have become best friends and practically inseparable. I love Shawn so much,but more in a best friend kinda way. Unfortunately Shawn doesn't think of me the same way. Shawn has asked me out 3 times already and I've rejected him all 3. I don't wanna ruin our friendship. Plus I have no feelings for him what so ever.
----------------------at school-----------------------
I quietly shut my locker and begin walking to class. Today has been a weird day. Shawn usually picks me up every morning and waits at my locker before first period so he can walk me there,but Shawn has been no where too be seen. I've texted him like a million times but he hasn't answered. All the sudden I hear everyone in the hallway gasp. I turn around to see Shawn holding hands with the most popular girl in school,Lexi(a/n lol that's my name because I couldn't think of one 😁) THAT BITCH. SHAWN DITCHED ME ALL DAY BECAUSE HE WAS WITH HER. Wait till I talk to him.
----------------------after school-------------------
"Shawn wait up!" I yell at the brunette boy on the other side of the hall way. "Yea?" He questions. " have you been avoiding me the entire day?" I ask curiously. "No why would you think-" "you have,just because you got yourself a new slut of a girlfriend doesn't mean you can ignore me all day!" I yell. "WOAH YOU CANT JUST CALL MY GIRLFRIEND A SLUT,IM SORRY YOUR JUST A LITTLE ATTENTION SEEKING BABY!" He fired back at me. That's it I'm going to lose it. "YOU KNOW WHAT IF IM JUST AN ATTENTION SEEKING BABY MAYBE I SHOULDN'T BE FRIENDS WITH YOU!HAVE FUN WITH YOUR LITTLE SLUT! I yelled walking away from one of the most important friendships of my life. I guess he will always be the one that got away.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WASSUP LOVIES how are y'all!! This is actually like the longest imagine I've ever written lol. And there still is another part left lol stay tuned guys!!

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