Cuddle and some netflix

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For Hannah ❤️

Hannah's POV

These two long weeks are finally over. I no longer have to sit in this uncomfortable hospital bed any longer.
I sat and played on my phone while Shawn was filling out the discharge papers for me.
Shawn hasn't left my side since I got in the car accident that left me stuck in this horrible place. I shake my head trying to get the thoughts of that horrible day out of my head.
Once Shawn was finished he intertwined our hands,and we walked to his car together.
Shawn had helped me into the passengers seat,and we were off.
After we reached our house Shawn asked what I wanted to do. I'm not going to lie I was tiered but I still wanted to spend as much time as I could with him.
"Maybe we could watch Netflix, cuddle,and eat some food?"I asked.
"Sure Hun whatever you want." He said kindly.
Shawn grabbed some food and set up the TV.
He sat down on the couch and patted to the the space next to him. I sat down and he pulled me on top of him.
So there we sat. All day just watching different movies while cuddling and eating.
Soon I couldn't fight the tiredness anymore. I nuzzled my face into the crook of Shawn's neck and let the darkness take over me.

A/n:hope you enjoyed Hannah...I know it's a little short I'm sorry about that.
But anyways i love y'all my lil muffins and I'll see y'all next time😘

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