Out of love

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I read an imagine like this and i really liked it so enjoy

October 18
Shawn asked me out today. He was different than other guys... He was kind yet confident.
If course i said yes.
November 1
Shawn kissed me for the first time today... I think i might be in love.
November 5
Shawn finally asked me to be his girlfriend. Im so happy because i can finally call him mine.
November 20
Shawn told me he loved me for the first time today. It took me no time to say I loved him back... I think he might be the one.
November 24
Shawn and I had our first fight today. It was over some guy who flirted me. After be saw me in tears he apologized. I love him.
December 25
Shawn and I celebrated our first christmas together. He got me a cute little bulldog who i named muffin. I got him a new guitar.
October 20 (next year)
Shawn and i have been fighting recently. Im trying to stop it but he keeps going at it. I love him more than the world but something tells me he is getting tired of our relationship.
October 30
I knew it. Shawn told me that he fell out of love with me. Word for word that was what he said. Every time he opened his mouth my heart shattered. Im broken. I want to hate him,but I still love him.
----------//---/-----//----//-----//----a/n: SO THAT WAS IT. I really really really like this imagine and i think i might make a fanfic about it!!! Let me know if you want me too byeeeeee!!❤️

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