Ice skating

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A/n: i've tried to write the 3 times 😭
Your pov
"I don't want to go Shawn!" "Your going y/n." You see my boyfriend Shawn is trying to make me go ice skating even though he knows that my biggest fear is falling on ice. "Y/n you never know you might like it." "What if i fall shawn?" "Ill be right there to catch you."
At the rink
Me and shawn got our skates on and were heading on to the ice. Once we got on I heald on the wall for dear life. "Y/n you wont learn if you stay on the wall." I sighed let go of the wall and grabbed his hand. At first i was doing well until i hit a bump and went tumbling forward. "Are you ok y/n?" "Yea just help me up." When Shawn held his hand out i grabbed it and jerked him forward causing him to fall face first into the ice. He looked at me with complete horror. "Shawn you wont learn if you sit on the ice all day!"

A/n: Im back botches ill be updating more frequently now so get ready 🎉 also send me requests cuz i have no ideas so ya let me know byeeee

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