Rip// say a little prayer

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So I'm sure you guys have heard but Christina Grimmie has passed away. She was shot by a random man. I'm not going to lie I'm not a huge fan,but I remember watching her audition and being amazed by her voice. She seemed like an extremely kind soul. Rest easy❤️🙏. As you guys may also have heard there was a mass shooting at a gay nightclub in the same state as Christina was killed...Orlando. I just want everyone to know...NEVER EVER EVER hurt,judge,or discriminate ANYONE by their gender,sexuality,race,or even ethnicity. And what happened in that nightclub was disgusting. Many innocent men and woman were gunned down in THE worst mass shooting known to America. Those innocent people were killed because they loved someone different then society found "expectable" please if you pray or believe in God please say a prayer for not only the fans,family,and friends of Christina but also the families of the mass shooting. And please don't EVER joke about death because your little comment could push someone who is having a hard time to the edge.
Hug all your family members tonight and know that you are lucky because some people may not be able to do that.

Ps. This video is very inspirational and I suggest you watch it and share it with all you friends.STOP HATE

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