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Based off the song DNA by Lia Marie Johnson check it out because it is AMAZING

I sit in the corner of the room shaking, as a very drunk Shawn throws bottles of Coors light all around the room.

I wish I could go back. Back to when we were a happy normal couple,but I have a feeling that those days are over.

It takes all of me not to grab those bottles and drink to the point of no return like Shawn. But I can't bring myself to do it. I can't stoop to his level.

I slowly stand up trying to calm my sobs but it's impossible.

"Shawn,p-please stop-p I can't stand to see you like this,l-like a m-monster." I sob.

He just stood there looking at me,with no sorrow or guilt.

I couldn't take it,so I ran and locked myself in our room. I grabbed all my clothes and my suitcase. I can't do this anymore I have to leave.


He is throwing bottles against the door.

What do I do?

"Shawn if you don't stop I'm leaving and never coming back."

There was a moment of silence.

"Y-you c-can't I l-l-love you." He choked

"Well you have a fucking weird way of showing it."

"I'm s-sorry I-I k-know no different,y-you know h-how m-my dad I-is" he cried shaking.

Suddenly it all made sense. Shawn's dad was an alcoholic. He had anger issues too. It runs in his DNA.

"You can fight the truth. Eyes like his can turn away but you have to be strong,please,for me." I cry with my voice cracking at the end.

"I'm so sorry." Shawn cries.

He runs over engulfing me in a hug.

A/n I'm backkkkkkkkkk sorry for the lack of updates but school started and I'm really stressed with it and blah blah blah enough with the excuses THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 7k boi this is crazy I love y'all so much till next time my lil muffins ❤️

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now