The vampire

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Here I am once again. On the same day, Same bar, same drink and same shitty life. Only thing that's changed is I'm out of a job this year.

I guess your wondering why I'm in a bar moping about my shitty life right? Well where to begin? When I was 16 my parents were killed by vampires. Yes you heard that right vampires. I live in a time where vampires rule the world and humans cower in fear behind closed doors. My parents were walking home on their anniversary when they were ambushed. With no other family left who wanted to take care of a 16 year old girl I was forced to live in an orphanage till I turned 18

After I was legally deemed an adult I moved out got a job as a cashier at Allen's big food world and moved into my first apartment. It was the worst thing I had ever seen but something's better then nothing right?

I worked for everything I've got. The only thing I have though is second hand cloths and food in my tummy. I don't have a fancy cell phone or a Gucci hand bag, I don't even have any jewellery other then a pair of $2 earrings I picked up at the good will.

I am now 21, just got fired and sitting in a bar trying drink away today's date. The day my parents were killed 5 years ago, Life can't get any worse can it?

I don't even notice I'm crying till a man sitting to my right hands me a tissue. I take it with gratitude. When I look up to thank him properly my breath hitches in my throat and my eyes widen. The man sitting to my right is by far the most gorgeous man I've ever seen in my life. With his black shaggy hair, the tattoos on his arms and neck he was unlike anything I had ever seen before. But that's not what really gets me, it's when he looks at me. His eyes are the most Crimson red I'd ever seen.

I put a hand to my mouth, I think I'm going to be sick. He was a vampire. I had never encountered one close up like this before. When he notices my reaction his lips curl up into a sick smile. I slowly stand up and make my way to the exit but his hand quickly dashes out and catches my arm before I could leave.

"You know when someone offers you something you don't walk away, you thank you" Oh god his voice. It was so deep. I pull my arm out of his grasp and pull it to my side

"If you really want a thank you for a tissue then you really must be desperate for some sort of attention" I know I shouldn't be aggravating him but who does he think he is putting his hands on me like that?

"Well I would assume you'd be more grateful considering the only thing you had to cry over was a a dirty bar bench"

"I'm not saying thank you because all I know you could have just given me the tissue because your planning to kill me and you don't like your victims to taste salty" I shot back

"That wouldn't make any sense" He laughed

"And why the hell wouldn't it? Your a vampire correct? And last time I checked vampires were cold blooded killers" Oh shit did I really say that?

"Yes it true I am a vampire but if you knew anything at all about vampires you would know we only bite the necks of our victims and we don't feast on your body like it was an all you can eat" I guess he had a point.

"But that still doesn't mean you weren't planning to attack me" I turn to leave again them suddenly as fast lightning he was right in front of me

"You know for a such a small and petite girl, you are quite sassy" His brows rose up "I'll make you a deal you stay and have a drink with me until midnight and if you decide you still don't like me or vampires for that matter I will leave you alone and you won't hear from me again? You have my promise"

"Promises don't mean shit to me"

"Well promises mean a great deal to me and if I make a promise I stick to it" I can't really tell if his being genuine but a few drinks would be nice, considering I don't have any money left, I don't say anything I just pull up a stool and sit.

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