Finally we meet

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Special- Vladimir's P.O.V

I was sitting in the waiting room, Coffee in hand and waiting for any news. I had been here for over two hours and no body has told me anything. Gabriel and my mother should be here soon.

I heard somebody sitting down next to me on the chair. My eyes were closed so I couldn't see who it was but assuming it was either my mother or Gabriel I kept my eyes closed

"They haven't told me anything so please don't ask questions"

"I'm not here to ask questions I'm here for support" My eyes darted opened at that voice. The voice I still some times hear in my head

"Stephanie" I said and sure enough it was here. Dressed in a sundress and wearing a worried expression on her face

"I'm sorry to show up announced but I just had to see you and Gabriel said you would be here" I didn't know what to say. I was shocked. Today was the first time I'd ever seen her in close to 7 years "I had no idea she was your girlfriend when I spoke to her today..."

"If you had known would you still have spoken to her?" She looked down

"Yes I would have but that's because we still have some things to clear up Vladimir a lot of things I mean after that night you just took off and I never saw you again your family told me you were safe but that's all they said. I was still in love with you Vladimir even after what happened and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't in love with you now even though I shouldn't be" A tear had leaked down her cheek and I moved up to wipe it away

"Stephanie I-I don't know what to say, We've both moved on in more ways than one" I said referring to her stomach and engagement ring. She hid her hand away from my eyes

"I know and I love my Fiancé with all my heart but when I look at him I see you and that's what gets me through the day" I was about to reply but she cut me off "Please don't speak. I still have strong feelings for you and I know deep down you have some for me too but I know there's not another chance for us so I want to say that you shouldn't beat your self up over what happened I already forgave you the moment I woke up and I'm glad you found someone else, She's a great girl and I'm happy for you both" She kissed my cheek and stood up "Your forever in my heart Vladimir Henry Costello" With that she walked out the door leaving me speechless.

I don't even know how long I sat there thinking about what had happened. I was finally bought out of my trance by a nurse

"Are you family of Lucy Briggs?" She asked looking down at her clipboard

"I'm her Fiancé, Can you please tell what's going on?" She wrote something down and looked back at me

"When you bought your Fiancé in she was having contractions but they  were only 10 minutes apart. They have dialled down and now there 3 minutes apart. The Dr has prepared her to give birth which means I'm going to need you to follow me please" I followed her through a pair of doors and she handed me a green gown.

I put it on and she took me to a room where I saw Lucy sitting on a bed legs spread and screaming

"Lucy!" I ran over to where she was and she gripped my hand tightly

"Vladimir!" She seethed through gritted teeth "You asshole! You did this to me" She screamed with pain again.

"Ok Lucy I know this is hard but I'm going to need you to push"

"I'm trying!" She screamed again and again.

"Ok your doing great now I'm going to need you to push one last time and were finished" She screamed with agony and then I heard a little cry. I saw the nurse holding up a baby crying its head off

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