How could you?

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I was sitting in my hotel room. Yes you read right. Hotel room. I stopped half way to my destination at a small hotel called the 'Resort Inn" And yes the name is just as swanky as the actual rooms. It was costing me a small fortune but with the money Robert gave me I was able to afford it.

I had to stop. On the train I got sick again. I was pretty sure it was because of the baby. When I sat back down I touched my stomach and a couple of thoughts came to mind.  could I really keep this baby from his father? If my parents have been alive this whole time why didn't they bother to contact me? And if I was really making the right choice.

Vladimir was there for me at my lowest and helped me so much in my life. If it weren't for him id be homeless and living in a shelter right now. He gave me things I could never have experienced with out him. What did my parents give me after they some how survived the mugging? Nothing but a broken heart. I wasted my life sitting in an orphanage missing out on everything because of them.

I needed sleep. These thoughts kept coming towards me and I didn't have answers for any of them. I was about to lay my head down on the pillow when my phone rang. Robert told me to throw it away but I couldn't, I had things on their that could never be replaced. I checked the caller ID and saw it was Gabriel. I couldn't answer it not without giving her an explanation and the one I had wasn't satisfactory. I let it go to voicemail

A second later I got a text

Look I don't why you just took off like that. Not after what happened this morning but I want to let you know Vladimir and Celia are going though with the bonding ritual tonight. All the royal families have agreed to come. I don't know what you said to him but he looks broken. All the best from Gabriel.

There starting the ritual tonight!? When I saw that text I knew this was a mistake. I grabbed my bags and headed downstairs. The train station wasn't far from here I just hope I make it in time. Unfortunately I didn't, I had just missed it. The women at the desk said it would be at least another 30 minutes before the next one came. I waited on the seats dread filling my whole body. What if I miss it and I never get another chance.

Even if I do miss it I at least owe him an explanation.


When I arrived back in town I didn't know where the ritual was being held so I called Blake. I just hope he accepts my call. He did thank god

"Blake I need you to take me to where Vladimir and Celia are having their ritual, I'll explain later just please get here" I hung up and sat outside my old apartment. Waiting. I waited so long I thought he wasn't coming but he showed up but not just with him

"Gabriel? What are you doing here?
Never mind look we have to go" I said pushing her back into the car but she didn't budge.

"Lucy what the hell! Where have you been and why has Vladimir looked so depressed since you up and disappeared?" I knew I had to tell her but I couldn't explain it all right now

"Look I know I owe you an explanation but right now isn't the time we need to hurry and I promise you I'll tell you everything later now please take me where Vladimir is" She looked at me for a second before  nodding towards the limousine

"Hurry up, If we leave now we will make it in time" I jumped into the car and told Blake to hurry up.

When we arrived I noticed the house we were in front off was like a mansion

"No humans should be in here but if you stick with me it will be fine" She grabbed my hand and rushed me inside. We ran down a bunch of different halls and finally we came across a huge wooden door "Their in here, Please don't make a big entrance other wise they will know your not human" But I wasn't listening to her. I was on a mission.

I pushed the door opened and inside I saw about 100 people all seated. When everyone turned their eyes at me I got nervous at the attention but then I realised why I was here and I couldn't be pussing out.

The chairs were set up like a wedding would be. I walked through it not caring that there were a 100 vampires all looking at me.

"Human? In here!? This is an outrage! Robert what's going on?" I heard a man say. I didn't even make it to the end of the aisle before I saw Vladimir. I felt my heart get warm inside but then I saw the look on his face. He was angry. Next to him was Robert walking towards me

"Lucy? What are you doing here?" He asked as he roughly pulled me by my arm.

"Vladimir I know what your thinking.  I have a lot of explaining to do but so does your father and Celia"

"My father and Fiancé have nothing to do with your love life, now go Lucy please" He begged. Looking heart broken all over again. I blinked back tears

"You heard my son get out of here, Now missy!" Robert said pointing to the door.

"No Robert I am not leaving....."I didn't even finish my sentence before Jackie was walking right towards me

"How dare you speak to my husband like that. Who do you think you are? Huh?"

"You don't know what his done or her" I pointed to both of them "Robert please clear everyone out except your and Celia's family. If you don't I'll ruin you right now" He gulped. He knew I had him

"Ok um everyone please clear out and go to the dinner court please we shall join you shortly" After he said that every body got up and walked out of the room. All that was left was Celia, Robert, Jackie, Terrence, Jonathan, Gabriel, Vladimir and I and also Celia's parents

"Robert? What is the meaning of this? Why have you summoned everyone to leave?" Jackie asked touching his arm

"This was not part of the deal" He said to me he then turned to Jackie "Jackie I have made some terrible mistakes in my life and I never wished for you to ever hear them but seeing as some people don't like to play by the rules there's no choice but to tell you" He was about to speak when Celia jumped in

"Robert! You cannot say anything please?" She begged. Tears running down her face ruining her make up

"I'm sorry Celia but we have no choice" He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Jackie's. A minute later she cried out and slapped him. Huh?

"He was using his bonding powers to communicate to her through his mind" Gabriel said to me. I nodded slowly

"You selfish asshole! How could you!?" Jackie screamed. Robert looked helpless

"I am so sorry..."

"No your not! You were going to let your Son marry some tramp for all eternity and your sleeping with her?" everyone in the room gasped

"Dad is this true? Have you been sleeping with Celia?" Vladimir asked?

"And there's no arranged marriage either it was all a big con to use you Vladimir so he can sleep with her" I said putting my hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off and punched his father in the mouth

"You ignorant old fool! I was just supposed to give up my life for you?" He punched him again and walked out the room. I followed him

"Vladimir? I am so sorry. I am sorry..."

"So there was no other guy? You just hid that from me? Why Lucy? Did he give you money?" I shook my head

"He told me my parents were alive. He told me to keep my mouth shut and he would give me the details. I just I couldn't do it, I love you too much" I said crying "And there's also one more thing"

"What is it?" He asked his voice cracking just a little

"I'm pregnant" I said. A small smile playing on my lips.

"Pregnant? Well good luck on that but I want nothing to do with you" He said his voice cold and deadly

"Wh what? What do you mean?" I asked dread filling my stomach

"It's over Lucy, I can't believe you would do this to me! After everything I've done for you. I really should have just left you there pouring your eyes out" Then like the wind he was gone and I was left with an even bigger hole in my heart.

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