That sneaky little bitch

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I lay in Vladimir's arms a smile played out on my face. I was finally content. He was lazily tracing patterns on my naked back.

But if only 6 days without him felt tortuous what happens when? I hid my face in his chest tighter then before. He must have noticed the change in my mood because he tightened his grip on me

"Hey what's wrong?" He kissed the top of my head.

"Vladimir, do you ever think about it?"

"Think about what? I think that last climax got to your head" I smiled a little and shoved him

"Don't be cocky, I mean when we have to say goodbye to each other?" His smile was now gone and his arms tightened around me even more.

"I told you Lucy I'm not letting you go no matter what"

"But Vladimir what about when you and Celia are bonded? You will feel what she feels and she'll feel what you feel"

"I'll think of something ok anything is better then losing you" He kissed my lips again. Our tongues fought for dominance, It was heating pretty quickly. He was about to pull me on top of him when his phone began ringing. We ignored it but it kept on ringing. I groaned and rolled on top of him to get to his phone. Once I had it I switched it off. Who ever that was can wait.

"You sneaky little devil, did you just turn my phone on?" I grinned at him cheekily and moved back onto the bed to continuing our further activities.

Hours later I could hear voices next to me. I opened my eyes and saw Vladimir on his phone, whispering to who ever he was talking to.

"I have other things, better things to do then to cater to you Celia, No I didn't know, no I'm not going to apologise because I didn't know, Your right if I would have known I still wouldn't have showed, yeah ok bye" He hung up and chucked his phone on the floor. I sat up and moved over to where he was sitting, taking the sheet with me.

"What's wrong baby?" I put my hand on his shoulders and he leaned into my touch

"Just this whole damn thing with Celia! God she is so infuriating" I kissed his neck and began massaging his shoulders.

"What happened?"

"Well her parents showed up today and I was supposed to be there to greet them with her"

"Why are her parents here? Do they usually show up announced?" He twisted around and grabbed me to put on his lap

"Their here because it's Celia's birthday tomorrow and no before you ask it's not her real birthday it's the day she got turned" He began kissing down my chest making me lose focus

"I thought she was born into a royal family? Aren't they supposed to be full bloods like Lucas might be?" His mouth was on my nipple making me grip his hair and arch my back. He stopped kissing to answer me

"No actually her family isn't that royal they were all turned at one stage" He lifted me up and chucked me on the bed. I giggled like crazy.

"Now how am I supposed to leave when your wearing nothing but those bed sheets?" I bit my lip

"Your not supposed to leave" He moved onto the bed and spread my legs. I thought he was going to enter me but instead he put his face there.
I could feel his breath on my pussy.

"I know, that's why I'm spending the night again and then I'm taking you with me tomorrow" I was about to ask him a question when he began licking around my clit. It felt so damn good

"Vladimir don't tease me" He only chuckled at that. Then he was licking me. The things that happened next just bought me pure pleasure.


The morning of Celia's party Vladimir dressed at my house. He wore a expensive black suit that looked so good on him and I wore a black sweetheart neckline dress. It was the most expensive one I had and it looked beautiful.

When Vladimir saw me groaned "Geez women how am I going to keep my hands off you if your wearing that?" I laughed and added a few finishing touches and we were off.

When we arrived there were already people inside, all looking smashing.

"Whose house is this?" I asked as Vladimir linked arms with me

"It's my house" My eyes immediately widened as I took in the beautiful double story house. I thought it was his parents but it's his? Wow just wow.

"Vladimir oh god your here finally, I need your hel......" Celia  stopped dead short when she saw my arm wrapped around Vladimir's "You didn't tell me you were bringing anybody to my party" She said fake smiling

"Gabriel invited her and sent me to pick her up so you can stop that jealous rage right there" He said with no emotion at all in his voice.

"I wasn't being jealous baby" She came over and kissed his cheek "My parents are wondering where you are, legs go and Gabriel's out the back with Lucas" Then she whisked Vladimir away. Where the hell was the back yard? I moved towards the crowd hoping to find a sign of Gabriel.

"Lucy? What are you doing here?" I turned and finally saw Gabriel

"Gabriel, thank god I've been trying to look for you. Vladimir invited me and if Celia ask you were the one who invited me" She laughed and nodded leading me over to the kitchen. She grabbed two beers out of the fridge and handed one to me

"God you look stunning, but what's with you and the colour black? There more dresses that come in different colours you know" I took a sip of my beer and put it down. I didn't like the taste of it

"I've had this one stored away for a little while and thought I'd try it on, So where's Lucas? Celia said he was with you?" I asked wondering why the little child was not glued to her side like he usually is

"He ditched me to play with the children outside, the little horror" Gabriel excused her self for a second and I was left standing in the kitchen alone. I wasn't for very long though Celia had just walked in

"Oh god thank goodness I found someone, The people who are catering my party are short staffed tonight and they need someone to fill in could you please help?" I looked around and realised she was talking to me

"Umm uh yeah sure why not" She handed me a smock.

"Great now I'm going to need you to hand the rest of the wines out, the crab cakes and the red velvet cupcake's oh and please don't eat any of them" With that she walked away. I put the smock on and picked up the wine trey. I walked around offering it to people.

After I finished all the treys she told me to do she handed me more, it was never ending. I was doing it for about 2 and a half hours before I spotted Vladimir talking to a older couple. And Celia was standing next to them. I was about to walk the other way when I heard the older man say "Waiter over here please" I moved towards them and when Vladimir got a good look at who the waiter was he lost his smile and looked confused

"Lucy? What the heck are you doing? Your not supposed to be catering?"

"Um well Celia asked me to help out because of the staff short back" He turned to Celia and she smiled at him nervously

"Vladimir you know this women?" He nodded his head

"Yes I do Paul, She was invited as a guest and not the help" He grabbed my hand and walked me to the kitchen "Fuck I am so sorry Lucy, I can't believe Celia would ask for you to help especially considering she didn't need it"

"She didn't need it? But she said...."

"I know what she said and I guess that's her why of getting back at you for showing up with me or what ever,
I can't believe her seriously. How dare she"

"It's fine I promise but I do know a way you can make it up to me" I smiled mischievously and nodded towards up stairs. He finally caught on and smiled a goofy smile. He whispered in my ear he'll meet me up there in 15 minutes so no one will suspect anything.

I ran upstairs and to the bedroom he told me to go in. I sat on the bed and awaited his arrival

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