Surprises at it's best

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Lucy's P.O.V

Today was the day we were finally able to take Tahlia home. Since she was a month early they had to keep her in the hospital for a couple weeks I on the other hand was released one week after I had given birth.

When they discharged me I felt so empty and hollow going home without my baby at my side but Vladimir and I did have a lot of things to do at home like we finished putting together her nursery. It looked fantastic.

We had gone with a light pink colour for her walls. She had her crib, a wardrobe for all of the cloths she had which was a lot and a closet for all her toys everybody bought her. Save to say she was spoilt already. On the wall where her crib was pushed against, had her name written in very neat writing. We also hung up pictures that Gabriel printed and framed for us. They were pictures of everybody holding her when she was first born.

We worked day and night on it and I was so proud and I knew our baby girl was going to love it.

I picked up my purse from the kitchen and Vladimir had already loaded Tahlia's baby seat into the car and we are also brining some more cloths to dress her in and a nice warm blanket.

"Baby are you ready to go? The nurse I spoke with said all we have to do is fill out some paper work and she can be dis charged as soon as that's finished so when we get there you go and dress her while I organise the paper work" He kissed my lips quickly before grabbing my hand and walking to the car

"Oh Vladimir I can't wait to bring her home I'm just so excited" He laughed and nodded his head

"Me too baby me too" We got to the hospital in no time. Vladimir worked out the paper work while I dressed Tahlia. Once finished I picked her up in my arms and carried her to the front entrance. When she was born she weight only 4 pounds but now she weighs 7 and a half.

"Oh you've gotten so big my baby" She made a little face and it nearly bought tears into my eyes. She was everything I had ever wanted and more. Vladimir's family genes must be very strong but she took after his looks. The hair, the eyes and even the same nose.

I walked outside and saw Vladimir had already parked the car at the front entrance so I didn't have to walk through the parking lot "There are my girls, Are we ready to go?" I nodded and he helped me put her in the car seat and buckle her in. I sat in the back with her while Vladimir drove.

"It's Tahlia's first visit home. Are you excited to see your room baby?" She gave me a little smile that warmed my heart dearly. The car stopped and I unbuckled her in lifted her into my arms. Vladimir opened the door for us and when I walked inside I immediately felt at home, more then I have ever before. Because now I have my whole family with me

"Gab said she would come over but I said not till later just so we can get settled" He came over and wrapped is arms around me while looking down at Tahlia. She was awake and was looking at us intensely. She had big chocolate brown eyes and they looked so innocent

"She's so beautiful I can't believe she's all mine" I said a tear slipping down my face

"Hey" Vladimir protested "I helped make her too so she's mine as well" I laughed and passed her over to her father "Hey baby girl did you know your daddy loves you so so much?" He kissed her cheek and swung her around in the air. I could watch them all day play all day

And that's what our night consisted taking turns to smother our baby with kisses and hugs. It came down to dinner and we decided we would go to Vladimir's mothers house for dinner. She's been waiting to see Tahlia ever since she was able to come home. I packed everything I needed toys, extra cloths, diapers, baby wipes and more diapers because this baby doesn't stop shitting.

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