First loves

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"Uh how do you guys know each other?" I asked standing between them utterly confused.

Theirs eyes both darted to me

"Well we have some history together you could say" Stephanie said fiddling with her hands

"Yeah nothing serious"Vladimir said trying to give me a smile.

"Ok if you have some history" I used air quotes "Why do you want to name our daughter Stephanie? Is it because of her" He didn't deny it "Wow Vladimir just wow. You always seem to surprise me each and every day" I didn't wait for his reply before I bolted up to the bedroom.

I packed a bag and texted Gabriel to ask if she could pick me up. She replied almost immediately saying she will be here in 10 minutes.

I walked out the room. Stephanie was still here and had tears in her eyes. I walked past her and out the door.

"Lucy! Lucy where are you going?" Vladimir asked

"I can't even look at you right now I need time to my self and so do you obviously" Gabriel arrived and I jumped in her car "Don't call me or text me because I'm not going to answer I just need space" And with that we drove off.

"Lucy what happened?" She asked but I only shook my head

"I can't talk right now" She nodded and continued driving.

We got to her house and she picked up my bag and took it inside. Once inside I collapsed on the couch crying.

"Lucy what happened? Why are you and Vladimir fighting?" She asked wiping my tears away. I calmed down my sons and told her what happened. She blew out a breath and shook her head

"Lucy Stephanie and Vladimir have a lot of history together, A lot. She was the first person he fell in love with when he turned" I gasped at her

"How long did they date for?" I asked dreading the answer

"3 years but one day Vladimir didn't have enough blood and he went berserk and he attacked her. He drank almost enough to kill her completely but finally he controlled him self. She forgave him but he didn't forgive him self and ended things" I was shocked. Maybe I shouldn't have overreacted. I was about to reply when Vladimir walked in the door

"Did you seriously think I was going to let you run off?" He sounded pained. He came over to where I was sitting and Gabriel left the room

"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked trying to will the tears not to come

"I'm sorry ok so sorry I didn't tell you. I don't have feelings for Stephanie not anymore"

"So why did you want to name our baby after her?" Tears had fallen down my face and he wiped them off with his thumps

"Because I still feel guilty over what happened and I thought well you know what I thought" I grabbed his face and pulled it to mine

"Vladimir I love you and I really wish you had told me" He smiled sadly and kissed my lips.

"I love you too Lucy Briggs so much and This isn't the way I wanted to do this but" He got down on one knee and pulled out a small black box. He opened it and inside was the most gorgeous diamond ring I had ever seen. It had a huge diamond in the middle and three smaller diamond either side of the big one. "Lucy will you make me the happiest man on the planet and be my wife?"

I couldn't comprehend a prober sentence in that moment so I just nodded my head over and over. He smiled and slipped the ring out of the box and onto my finger. A perfect match. He kissed me smack on the lips. I wrapped my arms around him and smiled into the kiss.

Then I heard a scream. I turned and saw Gabriel standing at the door with tears in her eyes

"OMG! You guys are getting married!" She came over and hugged Vladimir. She was about to hug me but I fell to the floor in pain. I held my stomach and screamed

"Ahh" I yelled. Vladimir knew what was happening and he picked me up bridle style and carried me to the car. I was still in pain and tears were streaming down my face. He put me in the car drove us to the hospital. In the car it felt like I wet my pants and I looked down. My pants were soaked "Vladimir I th-think my water broke" I half screamed.

The car seemed to move faster and in no time we were at the hospital. Once inside he carried me to the entrance and ran straight up to the receptions desk

"Help!" He screamed at the lady and all of a sudden the room was crowded with nurses and I was being moved into a wheelchair. They wheeled me to another room and I felt like I was going to pass out. 


A little short I know and I'm sorry but I promise The next chapter will be the birth

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