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Lucy's P.O.V

18 years later-

"Where did you get it from Sabrina?"
She looked down and groaned. I was standing in my 12 year old daughters room scolding her because I had found a cigarette in her room.

And yes you did read that right Vladimir and I had a second child after Tahlia who is 18 and ready to head off to college tomorrow. We
Are having a family BBQ in honour of her tonight. We also have a third child who is 3 years old and his a spitting image on his father. We named him
Jeremy. Vladimir was over the moon when we found out we were having a boy.

"Mom I never took it I swear"

"Sabrina! I'm not going to ask you again where did you get it? Was it from that new friend you've hanging out with, Courtney?" She went wide eyed for a second before sobering up

"I found it outside" She takes after me with her terrible lying.

"Sabrina don't play games with me"

"Ok fine yes Courtney gave it to me but I swear mom I wasn't going to smoke it I promise you" My insides were boiling. Courtney of course it was her. She was Sabrina's new friend and I didn't trust her one bit.

"You are not allowed to be around her anymore and she's not welcomed here ever again. Do you understand?"
When she didn't answer I raised my voice "Do you understand!?" She nodded her head

"Yes mom. Your not going to tell dad are you?"

"Yes I am and your grounded for two weeks" She was about to protest but I put my hands on my hips. She knew I wasn't messing around "Now get ready everybody is going to be arriving soon"

I walked out of her room and down stairs where Vladimir had Jeremy on the ground and was tickling him. Light childish squeals erupted from his body. When he saw me he smiled

"Mommy hulp meeee" He yelped. I laughed and came over and tackled Vladimir.

In case you were wondering we married two years after Tahlia was born and we had a bonding ritual as well. I had to be a vampire for the bonding ritual to work. Vladimir didn't want to turn me but I convinced through a lot of reassuring though it took months he decided to agree.

Our children are half breeds which means they have some vampire blood in them. If they drink human blood then it means their inner vampire will come out.

I got Vladimir on the ground and was sitting on his chest. I laughed and he faked growled. He sat up, bringing me with him.

"No I'm going to have to torture mommy" Jeremy screamed and tried to hit his daddy

"Noot my mommy" I laughed and Vladimir put me back down. I picked
Jeremy up and kissed his cheek.

"Are you ready for the party tonight?" He nodded and wiggled down from my arms and latched on to his daddy's legs. I rolled my eyes. He was always ditching me for Vladimir.

"Gabriel said she would be here with Jasmine, Carly and Jonathan soon to help set up Lucas and Maria are coming later" Gabriel and Jonathan had two other children Carly and Jasmine who are both twins. Lucas is
Now 21 I know time flys right? His in his third year of college and is studying to be an accountant. His girlfriend Maria is a beautiful person inside and out. Gabriel loves her for her son.

"Ok and what about your mother and Jimmy?" Jimmy is Jackie's new boyfriend of 3 years

"They will be here a little after it starts"

"And what about Terrence?" Terrence still hasn't moved on from his death of his fiancé but he is in relationship just nothing serious.

"Yes he will be here don't worry baby" He kissed my lips but then Jeremy made a gagging noise of protest. I laughed.

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