Second chances

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"Would you like to know the sex of your baby?" I was currently in the Dr's office getting my check up. With money being so tight I can only afford to get checked up once every two months.

"Yes please" I wanted to know so I could buy as much things as possible for the right sexed baby

"Ok well miss Briggs it looks like your having a baby girl" I put my hand to my mouth. A tear had slipped down my face. A girl? I was having a girl? I felt happy but I also felt a pain in my heart.

"Thank you so much Dr Horton" I said picking my bag up

"Miss Briggs I would like it if I could see you more then once every few months"

"I'll try to get here more often but I can't make any promises" I opened the door and walked out.

After the whole fiascos at the bonding ritual all lot of things happened. Firstly Gabriel fired me which meant I have to look for a new job. After a while I finally found one as a waitress at a restaurant called 'Crème' It was a very upscale restaurant. I only got a few shifts so I had to max my money out. I got kicked out of my apartment because I missed a few payments and I moved in with Shelly who was kind enough to let me stay. And the worst part of all was I haven't heard anything from Vladimir. After that night I tried calling and texting and even going to his apartment but it was no use. He didn't want to hear from me

I arrived home an hour later. I opened the door and walked in.

"Shelly? Are you home" I asked sitting down on her sofa

"In here honey, I was just washing down the shower" She said coming out with a pair of cloves on and a windex bottle in her hand.

"I have a shift at 7:30 to 9:30 tonight so I won't be back till about 10"

"I'll drive you there but I can't pick you up tonight so I'll leave you money for a taxi home" I shook my head

"No It's ok I can walk back"

"At night? I don't think so, You don't know whose lurking around at that time now come and eat " She told me pulling out a chair on the table "We're having a chicken curry tonight I made sure to get mild sauce this time" She put some on my plate and I dug in.

"I found out the sex of the baby today" I said taking a drink of my water

"That's nice" She said not taking her eyes of her food. I sighed. Not this again

"Shelly you told me you supported my decision what's with the attitude?"

"Lucy you know I love you right?, Your like a daughter to me but I can't act happy for you I just can't. I didn't support your decision I accepted it. This baby will not be human Lucy it's not right" I stood up from the table and walked over to my bag

"We all have our opinions Shelly and I'm not going to scold you for having your own but this baby topic is not to be brought up ever again ok? Now I'm going to work I'll see you later" I didn't give her a chance to reply before I walked out the door.

Where I worked was quite a walk from the apartment. It took me 40 minutes to walk there

"Hey Lucy your just in time your shift is about to start" Cookie said. She was also a waitress. With black long hair and an ass to cover all of America she sure got a lot of tips.

She handed me my apron "Thanks" I said putting it on and grabbing a notepad and a pen "What tables am I doing tonight?"

"Tables 18, 2, 27 and 9. There are people waiting at tables 18 and 2" I nodded and walked over to table 18. An elderly couple were seated down in a booth

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