Baby names

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"You know I really like the name Stephanie" I turned and looked at him

"It's a nice name but I want something unique, something special" I said flipping the pancakes over

"I get you want something no body has but baby your 8 months pregnant and we still haven't decided on a name. I think we should just choose one right now and it should be Stephanie"

"Enough with the name Stephanie jeez were not picking it end of story. How did Gabriel and Jonathan pick Lucas's name?" He groaned

"Well like us they couldn't decide on a name either so my mother told them about this lady she knows who claims she has a gift of seeing through the future and seeing your babies name anyway that's how they got the name" That popped an idea in my head

"Does she still do business?" I asked putting the pancakes onto a plate.

"Lucy we are not going there she's crazy ok crazy" I glared at him

"Vladimir you said so your self we don't really have much time to choose a name so I suggest we go there and see what she has to say if we don't like the name then we can go with Stephanie" His eyes lit up

"Ok ok look ill call my mom and ask if she has her number and if she can make an appointment for us" I smiled and kissed his lips

"Thank you now eat" He didn't have to be told twice. He quickly dug into his breakfast.

After he ate he called his mom. He put the phone on loud speaker.

"Vladimir? What's wrong? Why are you calling?"

"Can't a son call her mother?" He asked rolling his eyes

"Yes but you never call me unless it's an emergency so again I ask what's happened?" I laughed slightly. She knows him all to well

"Nothing bad but I was wondering do you still have that crazy old bats number? The one who helped Gab and Jonathan pick their baby name?" Jackie laughed

"You mean misses Garwelsh? Well yes I do have her number still. Would you like me to ask for an appointment?"

"Yes please and call me as soon as your finished speaking with her thank you" He hung up, Not waiting for her reply "You happy now?" He said pulling me into his lap

"Very much" I lightly kissed his lips "May I ask why do you like the name Stephanie so much?" He tensed at that question

"It's just a nice name that's all" He kissed me again but his phone rang "Mom? That was fast what did she say?"

"She said she can meet with you both today. Turns out she doesn't do that business anymore but is willing to help you both"

"So we can just go there anytime today?"

"Yes you can. And I suggest you both go right away because she is not a very patient women" Vladimir thanked his mother and hung up the phone

"Ok let's go now because where she lives pretty far from here" He said reaching for his keys and a few bottles of water "These for the car just incase you get thirsty" He helped me to the car and off we went

"How do you know where she lives?

"When Gab and Jonathan went to meet her I drove them to her house and waited. Have you ever been up the Cooks Road trail?" He asked and I Shook my head no

"Oh well it's a huge road trail that leads through the woods and at the very end of the trail you will see her house. It's quite big" I smiled nervously. Woods? I don't like the sound of that.

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