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The whole weekend was blissful. I enjoyed every moment of it. There was guilt at the pit of my stomach but that went away every time he touched me, kissed me and made love to me.

Come Sunday morning I didn't want him to leave so I offered to cook diner and then he could leave. He agreed.

"So my lady what are we cooking?" He sat down in one of the new stools he bought.

"I was thinking maybe a lamb roast?" He gave me a questioning look

"A roast? At this time? I'll be here for hours" I went to to him and kissed his jaw

"Exactly" He laughed and attached his lips to my in a slow sweet kiss. He picked me up and was about to walk me over to the bed when his mobile phone started ringing. He groaned and put me back on my feet. He picked it up and rolled his eyes at the name on the screen.

"Hello Celia, No, yes I will be home tonight but not till later, because I have other things I need to do, fine I'll be home soon bye" He hung up but the good mood was gone.

"So your leaving?" He came over and kissed my lips softly

"I have to my parents are coming for dinner tonight and Celia needs help with some things but I promise you I'll be back first thing Friday" He picked up all of his things, kissed my lips again and then left. I sat down, dinner long forgotten.

The next day at work Gabriel was running a little late and her next appointment was already here and he was quite talkative.

"So you like working here?"

"Yes I do it's very nice" I typed something on the computer praying for silence

"How long have you been working here?"

"Sir I'm very sorry but I have a lot of work to do"

"Oh of course, sorry it's just your very beautiful and I wanted to start a conversation" He looked down sheepishly.

"Thank you for the compliment I'm not trying to be rude or anything I just work better in silence" He had gotten to from the couch and walked over to my desk

"Well how about we have a conversation in a better environment like maybe a restaurant?" His cheeks had turned a light red. I looked at him closely. He had orange hair that was pinned up in a ponytail, his eyes were a lovely green colour and he didn't look like he worked out much but still had some muscle on him.

"I'm sorry but I'm not available" He gave me a short smile and sat back down.

"Oh god I am sorry traffic is crazy out there, Mr Ralzon please come in" He threw me a wink and walked into the office with Gabriel. I sat there with my cheeks flushed. Then I all of a sudden I felt angry, beyond raged. I felt close to losing it. What was this? What was happening to me? Then all of a sudden I had ripped the computer of the desk and flew it at Gabriel's office window. After I threw it my hand went straight to my mouth.

Then the whole room had filled with men in black suits, which in guessing are security. Jonathan walked in took one look around. The last thing I saw was his fist coming down on my face before I passed out.

When I woke up I thought I'd be in a jail cell but instead I was in Vladimir's office on the couch with a ice bag on my head? When I tried to stand I winced. My head killed. I had a huge headache and my eye hurt. Suddenly I was being gently pushed back down onto the couch by Gabriel?

"Oh honey don't try moving just yet" She fixed my pillow and stood up again.

"Gabriel wh what happened?"

"Well after you sort of threw the computer, security came in and Jonathan too. He thought you were trying to harm me so he over reacted, I am so sorry for that"

"I don't know what happened or why I threw the computer, I all of a sudden felt angry and rage"

"Shh honey, Vladimir will explain everything to you and if you want to and I understand if you don't you still have your job at my office" She walked out and in walked Vladimir. He looked angry but the moment he saw my face it all melted away.

He walked over to where I was laying and took both my hands in his. "I am so sorry about what happened..."

"I need answers now Vladimir"

"Ok, the reason you felt rage was because I felt rage. When I drank your blood we become one sort of one,we're not bonded but I can feel what your feeling and if I concentrate I can see into your mind and see what your seeing, and when I saw that guy hitting on you I lost it and put my anger into you which made you do what you did" I was in shock.

"Wow, so how did you tell the others about us without telling them about us if that makes sense?"

"I told them about us" He said simply

"What?!! You told them? What did they say? Are they going to tell your parents? What's going to happen?"

"Nothing will happen, they've promised to shut their mouths" He kissed my lips softly "Now get some rest and I'll take you home very soon" He kissed my lips again and walked

Short chapter sorry but don't worry the next one will be better

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