Secrets and Choices

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"No I'm fine really, Vladimir I promise" I was currently on the phone with my Vladimir. I had to leave work early because I wasn't feeling well.

"Ok please just call me if you need anything ok?" I nodded but then I realised he couldn't see me

"I will I swear. I probably just ate something that put my stomach off or I might have a flu. But I assure you I'm fine, Now get back to work and I'll call you later" I hung up and jumped back in bed. I probably just needed some sleep. I slept for a good 2 hours before I woke up nauseated. I quickly ran to the toilet and spilled my guts inside of it.

Once I finished I rinsed my mouth. That was the third time this week I've vomited. What was wrong with me? I quickly called Gabriel. She said if I was ever feeling sick I must call her so she can send me to their Dr.

"Gabriel, I'm not feeling well. I may need to see a Dr"

"Our Dr isn't in today and he won't be back for a couple of days. What's wrong?" I proceed to tell her everything "Lucy I'm leaving work early ok? I've got to go to the store quickly and I'll be right over" She hung before I could reply

I busied my self with some tv and in no time I heard knocking at my door. Finally she's here. I opened the door and let her in.

"Ok Lucy, this may sound very weird but I know what I'm talking about now go to the bathroom and pee on this" She pulled something out of her bag and I saw it was a pregnancy test

"G Ga Gabriel" I stuttered. I was shocked. "I can't be pregnant"

"Just do it" I grabbed the test out of her hand and walked into the bathroom. I peed on the stick and waited 3 minutes. It was one 3 minutes but it felt like an eternity. Once the time was up I took a deep breath and looked at the test.

Two pink lines and a smiley. If it came up negative it was have read two yellow lines and a straight face. Oh god. I put my hand to my mouth. I'm pregnant. I should feel upset or angry or anything but happy. But I do feel happy. I'm having a baby with Vladimir. We're having a baby together. I rushed out and bought the stick with me.

"I'm pregnant" I said smiling the biggest smile. Gabriel had a blank expression on her face. I got worried before a second before she smiled as well. She ran to me and hugged me

"Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh! Your pregnant!" We were both screaming.

"I can't believe, I'm actually pregnant. But Gab what about Vladimir? How do I tell him?"

"You just tell him your pregnant. He will be so happy I promise and maybe if he tells father they will stop the ritual" Gab left to go back to work. I waited a few hours before heading to Vladimir's apartment. I was so happy.

I used the spare key I had and went inside. I looked in the lounge he wasn't there, I looked in the kitchen he wasn't there. I checked all the rooms stairs and even his. Lastly was Celia's room. I decided to check there just in case. When I walked in I froze completely.

Celia was on top of a man naked and moaning. Tears were running down my face. How could that jerk do that to me! I cleared my throat loudly. Celia looked at me wide eyed and the man she was on top off looked at me and that's when I saw it wasn't Vladimir.

"Mr Costello?" Vladimir's father. Celia jumped up and took the sheets with her. Robert got dressed quickly "Wh what are you doing here? In bed with your sons Fiancé?" I half screamed. He looked helpless

"Lucy you can't tell anyone what you saw here ok?" I looked at her in disgust. The nerve of that little bitch

"How could you! How could you do this to Vladimir! After everything you've put him through, your making him give up his happiness for his family and your out here sleeping with her!" After I said that he put his head between his hands. That's when I realised something "You never made that deal with Celia's family did you? This isn't an arranged marriage. You don't need her family. Your making your son sacrifice everything so you can sleep with her" I said tears streaming down my face

"I know this seems very bad..."

"No it doesn't seem bad it is bad. Your a horrible man and I'm putting a stop to this right now" I was about to leave when Robert called out

"I know where your parents are" I turned around and looked him dead in the eye with a cold stare

"My parents are dead" He shook his head "Yes they are, I saw their bodies when I had to identify them" I said remembering the time when I had to see my parents lifeless body.

"You saw your parents human bodies dead but what happens when a vampire sucks enough blood out of you? You turn into one" I looked at him in disbelief

"Your lying, my parents died and how do you know they were killed by vampires?"

"When you came to that dinner I needed to do some research on you. I investigated long enough to find out about your parents. Their not dead Lucy their alive. I know where they are living but for me to disclose that information I need you to forget what you saw here" Oh no. Oh god no. Please no "And why your at it you can stop that silly affair your having with my son" The tears were coming down my face faster then ever before. My heart hurt so much.

"I can't" I said turning to leave

"Lucy! You and I both know you want to know where they are. Don't be stupid. These are your parents for goodness sakes, don't you want answers?" I couldn't speak so I just nodded "Great. Now go home and pack a bag. Call Vladimir and tell him it's over and then go to the train station. We will be meeting you there with the information" I walked out of the house and back into Blake's car.

When I arrived home I sat in bed and cried. What was I going to do? If I tell Vladimir what I saw we could have our happy ending but I might never get to see my parents again. I have to make a choose. I got up and went over to the phone.


When Vladimir walked though the door my nerves shot right up again. What was I going to say?"

"Lucy, Hey baby I bought you some chicken soup....." He saw my sorry state and stopped what he was saying "Lucy what's wrong?" I inhaled slowly.

"Vladimir theres something I need to tell you and it's really important" He sat down next to me on the couch

"What is it? What's wrong?" I couldn't look him in the eye.

"There's someone else Vladimir" I lied. Tears cascading down my face.

"What do you mean there's someone else? Your not making any sense, what's going on?" He sounded worried

"I've met somebody else. I've been seeing him for the past few weeks. And he wants me to go and live with him" I got off the couch and faced away from him. I couldn't look at his face.

"Lu Lucy I don't understand...."

"I've fallen in love with someone else ok! Somebody better and someone whose not dead, I'm sorry Vladimir but I'm leaving tonight and I don't want to see you ever again. Please go" He got up and walked to the door

"Someone whose not dead right? I love you Lucy and I have for quite some time now. I knew it wasn't fair for me to ask you to start a relationship with me I knew it was going leave somebody broken. I should be angry right now and sad but I can't be, because as long as your happy I know in my heart I'll be happy too. I wish I was the one to bring you that happiness but who ever he is I hope he knows how lucky he is" And with that he walked out the door.

I fell to the floor clutching my broken heart. Sobs feeling out the room. Oh god what have I done?

My bag was already packed. I caught a taxi to the train station. When I got out I saw Celia sitting on the bench just outside the station entrance.

"This is the information as to where they live, their phone number and some cash for you" She handed me the envelope. I snatched it out of her hand and headed for the entrance "I just want you to know that I'm sorry Lucy. I am truly sorry. I never meant for this to get out of hand. When I met Robert he never explained the baggage that came with seeing him. I tried to end things I really did but I fell for him and when he introduced me to his son I knew this was our only hope and now I've ruined so many peoples lives" She was crying now too but I didn't feel sympathy for her. I couldn't. Not after what she done.

I ordered my ticket, the lady at the desk saying it would be here in 10 minutes. I sat down and waited. Not long after the train got in and I boarded the station. Hopefully I made the right choice.

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