Secrets unfold

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"Vladimir I am not having this conversation with you again, I just wouldn't feel comfortable doing it" We were in my apartment getting ready to go for dinner, it's been a few weeks since I found out about Victor and his intentions.

"And why not Lucy? I mean you can't honestly say you actually like living here do you?" We were arguing yet again about the same issue.

"It may look like a piece of shit but it's my piece of shit and it's kind of grown on me, besides finding a new apartment would just cost too much money and it would take so much effort"

I put on the earrings Vladimir got for me as a gift. They were beautiful white gold hoops and they were absolutely breathtaking. I went to look at my self in the mirror. I was wearing a black sweetheart neckline dress and matching heels to go with it. My hair was let down but you could still see the earrings.

I bought the dress on my first paycheque. I nearly had a heart attack when I saw how much it was and I had only been working for a few days. He came over and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind "I already told you this, you wouldn't have to worry about any of that I would organise everything for you" He kissed my temple, I turned around so my lips could meet his. Once the kiss ended I sighed

"Vladimir I know you want to help but it's not going to happen ok? I'm fine where I am" I went over to retrieve my purse. I lead him out the door.

"Fine if you won't move well then can I please buy you a few things for your apartment?" I looked at him funny

"What things?"

"Just the essentials, more furniture, A Tv and I don't maybe a prober bed so you don't have to sleep on a blow up bed in the middle of the room" I did really need those things and it wouldn't hurt to buy them would it?

"Fine but I'm paying for them my self"

"No your not" He took my hand and walked me out side. When we stepped out into the cool air I noticed Blake wasn't here yet. That's strange his never late. And his usually parking spot has been taken up by a Black Bentley. I looked at it strangely. Who in the hell could own one of those in this kind of neighbourhood. 

"Where's Blake? And why is he late? His never late?"

"That's because his not coming" He let go of my hand and pulled out a set of keys out of his front pocket. When he pressed the button the Bentley in front of us beeped. Oh my god. It was his car! Where the hell was the limousine?

"Ok I have a few questions..." He pushed me to the car, opened the door and let me in.

"Not now my love, we have to make our reservation on time other wise they won't save it for us" He started the car and off we went.

Over the last few weeks I learned quite a lot. I learned that in the year 1995 a vampire Dr Wainwright discovered a pill that vampires could take so they could go out into the sun without burning up. One pill could last you a whole month in the sun. That's why Vladimir can walk out into suns light without any hassles. But it wasn't cheap so only royal vampire families could afford it. I also learned that Vladimir can eat regular food but only if he has blood within that hour of eating our food.

"What are you thinking about over there?" I turned my gaze to him and saw a ghost of a smile playing on his beautiful face.

"Nothing" I picked up his free hand and began tracing patterns on it. Then I lightly bought it to my lips and kissed it. In no time we were at the restaurant thankfully catching our reservation on time. It was a nice French restaurant and by the looks of things it was very popular.

"Bonjour. My name is Brittany and I'm going to be your waiter. Can I get you started on any drinks?" I didn't like the way she was looking at Vladimir and bitting her lip.

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