My happy ending?

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I lay awake that night feeling something I haven't felt in a very long time. Happiness. I never in a million years thought I'd actually ever meet a vampire let alone start to develop feelings for one. I can't help it though. The way he makes me feel is unlike anything I've ever experienced in my life time. I mean I've only ever kissed one boy and that was when I was 15.

After my parents death I never really had time for romance or friendship of any sort. But now I feel as if life might actually start to turn around. Could this be my happy ending? I am finally able to fall asleep with thoughts of one vampire in mind.

I awake in the morning by a knocking at my door I assume it's Shelly waking me from my peaceful slumber with a nice mug of coffee. But when I open the door I am greeted with none other then Vladimir "Morning" He gave me a toothy grin. I quickly close the door behind me

"What the hell are you doing here? Did I over sleep? And how the hell did you find out which number I lived in?"

"Ok easy there" He ever so gently tucked a piece of lose hair behind my ear "I asked down stairs which apartment you lived in and the lady at the desk was more then happy to comply me after I used my charm on her"

"So by charm you mean you told her you were a vampire and she immediately gave you my room number?" He laughed and scratched his head

"What can I say being a cold blooded killer does have its perks" My stomach automatically filled with regret at that comment. I was the one who said that to him during our night in the bar. "And no you didn't over sleep I just came by to see if you wanted to grab breakfast before work? I know it's a little early..."

"Yes" I said almost to quickly but the thought of having breakfast with him put butterfly's in my stomach "Just let me get dressed..."

"Actually I bought over your uniform considering I didn't get a chance yesterday" That's when I noticed he was holding something in his hand "I hope I got the size right if not I can always go and change it" I took the bag from him

"Ok give me one second and I'll be finished" I went to close the door but he put his foot in the way

"Um aren't you going to invite me in?"

"No" and I proceeded to close the door. Luckily he moved his foot out of the way. Once I removed the clothing from the bag and I got a good glimpse at it my eyes nearly popped out of my head. The cloths consisted of a black skirt that went above your knees by an inch and a white blouse with the most lovely pair of heels I'd ever seen but when I reached into the bag more I pulled out a pair of creamy coloured stockings.

Once I tried everything and looked at my self in the bathroom mirror I wasn't overly that impressed. The cloths were perfect don't get me wrong but I wasn't. I didn't have a front or back to go with it. My tits were 3 sizes too small and I didn't even have an ass. I was always so thin.

I made my way out of my apartment door but the smile I went in with was gone "Hey there you are I was wondering how long you'd take" He was playing on his phone when I interrupted him "Does it fit ok?" I slowly nodded "Hey what's wrong? You don't like it? I can have a more professional person pick out your outfit if you'd like"

"No it's not the outfit, it's actually very gorgeous but I just feel it doesn't suit me very well"

"Are you joking? You look absolutely stunning" He came closer to me and pecked my lips "Now we better get a move on other wise we won't have  time for breakfast" After he said that I quickly locked my door, grabbed his hand and sprinted down the stairs. We managed to get to a cafe and get our order in before it was time to leave.

After I ate I noticed he hadn't even touched his chocolate eclair "Aren't you going to eat that?" He stared at it and when he looked back at me I noticed he had gotten paler and looked about ready to vomit "Vladmir are you ok?" I touched his hand

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