The dinner

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Here goes nothing I thought. I knocked on the door. Not a minute later Gabriel answered the door. Wearing a beautiful red cocktail dress.

"Lucy, I am so glad to see you please come in" I handed her the bottle of champagne I got as a gift "You didn't have to bring anything but thank you" I followed her down a long hallway where she lead me to the last room as the end of it. Inside I saw the faces of everyone whom she said was going to be here. Vladimir and Celia were sitting next to each other near the dinning room table. Jonathan was sitting next a man I didn't recognise and a women to his right who I didn't know either. Must be their parents. And Terrence had little Lucas sitting on his lap.

When Vladimir saw me enter the room his face lit up but then it was replaced by a blank mask "Hi"I said shyly.

"Hello dear, I don't think we've met I'm Jackie Costello and whom might you be?" I was about to say something when Gabriel butted in

"This is Lucy Briggs, I told you I was bringing her to dinner" The women suddenly seemed surprised.

"This is Lucy? The women who works for you? Well I'm very sorry if I was being rude before its just not what I was expecting"

"What did you expect mother?" Terrence asked

"Well to fairly put it I was expecting someone less classy and much older but you seem very high scaled and young" She ran her hand across my cheek. I shied away under her touch. Her fingers were so cold.

"Mom enough ok your scaring her" Vladimir said standing up. He came over to where I was and kissed my cheek "You look beautiful" He whispered for my ears only. I gave him a fake smile. Does he not remember what happened?

"Vladimir how very nice to see you again" Gabriel showed me to my seat

"So Lucy darling tell us about your self, we would really love to know who the stranger is sitting at the table"

"Mom!" Vladimir said outraged.

"It's fine really um well there's nothing to really say I'm not really an interesting person" Jackie looked at me for a few seconds before folding her hands together

"I'm sure there's something about you that sparks people's eyes, anyway can I get you anything to drink?"

"Water will be fine"

"As I was saying before the book was quite entertaining even though I wouldn't agree with how the ending played out I did enjoy myself reading it" Jackie said taking a sip from her drink "How you ever heard of the 'Married man? By James Selton?" She asked me

"Doesn't sound familiar sorry but what's it about?" Celia took over

"It's about a women who states an affair with an already married man, She falls in love but he said he didn't because his whole reputation was at stake, simply put in the end he realises he loves her and they live happily ever after" I cringed. That sounded all to familiar.

"Why would you not have liked the ending?" I was dreading the answer

"Well because the married women was the one who was left without the happy ending, why should the girl who got a married man to cheat on his wife be happy in the end?" I winced at how disgusted she looked.

"In my very honest opinion I believe there are two sides to every story and we shouldn't judge to quickly" All eyes turned on me.

"What would compel a man to do such a thing to the women he vowed to love?" Celia asked

"Let's just say the man and women aren't happy together and his happy with the women his having an affair with, What if him and his wife are fighting all the time and he finds peace with the so called 'whore'" I said using air quotes.

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