The not so pleasant baby shower

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"Ok I really need you to get back to work, this has to be done in 6 hours and we haven't even started the decorating" Gabriel yelled at the poor worker she hired.

"Gab really it's fine he can take a break I'm sure there's not a lot that needs to be done" She glared at me and ordered me to follow her. She was doing her rounds around the hall making sure everybody was working and not slacking

"I'm paying these losers a lot of money to have this hall set up in time for the shower. Your shower starts at 12:00pm it's 6:00am now and we haven't even started anything"

"I don't know what you have set up but I'm sure it doesn't take 6 hours" I laughed

"Your not even supposed to be here. Vladimir and Jackie are supposed to be taking you to breakfast and that's in one hour you need to leave" She shoved me to the door

"I'm here because I wanted to make sure you get the cake I requested and I also wanted to look at the invite list please" She sighed and handed me her clipboard. I read over the names

Gabriel Costello-
Jackie Costello
Ann Marie Costello
Pamela Austin
Robyn Cook
Shelly Drake
Cassandra Wright
Jenny Collier
Karla Storm

I had invited a few people from my parenting class which were Karla, Robyn, Jenny and I also invited Shelly. The other names were of women I had never met before but we're very close to the Costello family.

"Now that you've had a look at the guest list can I get back to work?"

"And about the cake?" She groaned

"Yes we have a black Forrest mud cake on its way here, anything else?"

"With the food make sure it's nothing too spicy. The Dr said I can't eat anything spicy oh and no banana and no chicken thank you" I kissed her cheek and walked to the car where Blake was waiting for me. I received a text from Vladimir

"Hey angel face I'm going to be running a little late to breakfast but don't worry I've spoken to my mother and she's already confirmed she will be there on time. Blake knows where the cafe is ill see you soon Love you"

I smiled at the message and slid my phone back into my purse. It was so hard to find cloths that fit me so I had to wear a long black skirt that came down to my ankles and a plain white singlet with a brown cardigan. All extra extra large.

When I entered the cafe I saw Jackie immediately looking as beautiful as ever. Wearing a nice black low cut dress that looked gorgeous for her figure

"Lucy darling how lovely to see you come and sit" She opened the chair for me and sat back down "I haven't ordered anything yet so the waiter should be here soon. God you look stunning and your glowing"

"Thank you Jackie but I don't look nearly as lovely as you do. So I just came back from the hall with Gab. Wow she's very demanding" Jackie laughed

"Oh god that brings up old times. I remember when she was planning her wedding goodness she turned into one of those bridezillas. Everything had to be perfect other wise you face the wraith of her but it was one of best weddings I had been to in a very long time"

"Jackie I don't mean to pry or anything but how are things with you?" I asked referring to her cheating husband

"Thank you for asking but I'm going ok I could say. The only thing that's getting me through it is my next grandchild" I smiled a heart warming smile. Glad that our child was already making good in people's life's "I don't know if Vladimir has told you but Robert and Celia have gotten an apartment together and he wants to see the baby" I nearly choked on my water. I was about to reply before Vladimir walked through the door

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