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After I saw the guilty look on Vladimir's face I ran out to the garage and begged Blake to take me home. He must have saw how close I was to losing it because he agreed. Once I arrived home I ran straight up to my apartment. I took one look around and that was my breaking point. I burst into tears. I fell to the ground clutching my heart. The whole unit had been decorated. I now had a very big bed with a big purple flower as my cover and matching pillows.
I also had a huge what looked like to be a 5 seater black leather couch, A huge plasma screen tv with a bunch of movies sitting next to it and sitting on the bench was a coffee machine.

I couldn't look at it anymore. Because the more I looked at it the more I thought about Vladimir and the more I thought about him bought more tears to my eyes. I am so stupid! So stupid. I knew it was all too good to be true, but why me? What had I done wrong in this world to deserve this? I fell asleep with those thoughts weighing on my mind. When I awoke I felt much worser then when I went to sleep. I had a splintering headache and my eyes were puffy and swollen. I looked around the room and jumped when I saw a figure. They moved closer and I was able to see that it was Vladimir

"You've got some nerve coming here after what you did! You asshole" I jumped up and started hitting at him with my fist.

"Lucy enough" He stopped my hands in their tracks "I am so sorry ok, I never meant for you to find out that way"

"Find out what Huh? That all along you've had a girlfriend" I screamed

"She's not my girlfriend..."

"Bullshit! How dare you lie straight to my face!"

"She's not my girlfriend Lucy, she's my Fiancé" I stopped moving all together. A a fiancé? He had a fiancé?

"Oh my god, we've been seeing each other for the past month or so and you've been engaged this whole time?" I asked him in disbelief

"Lucy I don't love her ok, I don't even have feelings for her. I have feelings for you but I have to Marry her"

"What the fuck does that mean? You have to marry her? No you don't you have a choice.."

"No I don't Lucy, It's an arranged marriage" He looked utterly defeated "I have to marry her so my family can have her family as an Alliance, I'm doing this for my family" He took both my hands in his "But I've grown attached to you Lucy and I can't let you go" He leaned over to kiss me but I moved away

"I have feelings for you too but we just can't ignore the fact that you have a fiancé and why haven't I seen your engagement ring?" I questioned

"Because we don't have the rings or the ceremony like you do, we have a mating ritual, It's when royal families gather together to watch the ritual, I have to drink her blood and she has to drink my blood then we ceil it with a kiss"

"And automatically your bonded just like that?"

"Drinking each other's blood makes us bonded yes, she can feel what I'm feeling and I can feel what she's feeling"

"When will you both be bonded?" I sat back down on the bed

"We haven't decided yet" I looked down. I could feel the tears coming on. When he saw them he pulled me into his arms. I didn't have the energy to push him away, I just let him hold me. "Lucy I am so sorry but I won't let you go, I can't" I looked up at him through my tear filled eyes

"What are we going to do then? You can't get out of this arranged marriage and where does that leave me? Am I just supposed to always be your mistress on the side and only see you once a blue moon?"

"We will think of something I promise" He kissed my head.

"I'm sorry Vladimir but I can't do this right now I need time to think about things, about us" I untangled my self from his arms

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