Learning new things

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"Is it really necessary that we have to go to these things" Vladimir asked sounding bored. We were at our first parenting class. I thought it was a good idea for a few reasons. 1 I don't know anything about babies and I was hoping to meet other women close to my due date so that my baby could have a friend when she comes out.

"We've been over this, You and I know nothing about babies what so ever. We don't know how to change nappies or feed or anything so this needs to be done" He gave me a look  but didn't press the matter further

"Ok class I am your study teacher Mrs Marshall. Now on our website it said every female lady had to be 3 or more months pregnant to take this class. Now that we have that settled I would like to start introductions everybody in the front row please tell us your name, your partners name and if you know the sex of your baby"

"My name is Felicia Stone. My partner is Steve Stone and we are having a little boy"

"I'm Kristen Anthony's, This is my boyfriend Jacob Kingsley and we don't know the sex of our baby yet" That continued on for some time. Girls introducing them selfs and their partners. It finally came down to us

"I'm Lucy Briggs and this is my partner Vladimir and we're having a little girl" I said cheerfully. People clapped and I sat back down.

"Ok well since everyone has been formally introduced we can start with our activities for the day" We processed on doing everything Mrs Marshall told us. By the end of the day both Vladimir and I had learned how to change a dirty nappy and how  to burp our baby.

Just as we were finished packing up a girl whose name was Karla with no partner came up to us

"Hi I'm Karla, you probably already know that. Anyway I just wanted to say how nice it is to meet new people who are having a baby the same time as I" She said smiling nervously

"Well as you know I'm Lucy and this is my partner Vladimir. Is this going to be your first child?" I asked

"Yeah it is, My partner couldn't make it today he had a business meeting" She rolled her eyes "A business meeting my ass he just didn't want to come with me"

"Trust me I know what your talking about Vladimir begged me all week not to come but it's important for both of us to be here you know the father should know just as much as the mother. I'm sorry but we have to go if you'd like we could grab a coffee after the next class?"

"That would be nice, Well nice to meet you both bye" She walked away and Vladimir proceeded to take our bags back to the car

"If I'm being completely honest she seemed a little off" Vladimir said pulling out of the car park

"What do you mean? She seemed nice"

"She was fidgety and acting nervous. That could only mean one thing"

"What's that?" He looked at me for a second before turning back to the road

"I can't be a hundred percent sure but it could be drugs" I gasped. Drugs?

"You can't be serious. Drugs? I mean she's pregnant and if she were on drugs how could she afford the class?" I asked confused

"Well on the website it said you can pay how ever you want to meaning she could be paying a certain amount every so often which would be a lot easier then paying the full amount straight out" We pulled up to our house and I got out shocked. She couldn't actually be on drugs right?

"If she is on drugs what's going to happen to the baby when it's born?" I walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water. The Dr said to drink a lot of water this close to the pregnancy

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