Mistakes Happen

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"Oh god faster please" I cried out. I was on Vladimir's couch skirt hitched up, legs spread open and Vladimir between those legs pumping hard. "Vladimir" one last cry then we came together. My face was blushed and he had sweat coming down his forehead. My lunch break finished over an hour ago. Gabriel was sure going to kill me. I sat up and pulled my skirt back down.

"Shoot I have to get back, Gabriel is going to have a fit" He laughed and pulled me on top of him" As much as I would like to do it again I can't, I do have to get back to work you know" I kissed his lips and sat up "By the way where's your new secretary?" Once I stopped working for Vladimir he had to go on a hunt for a new worker. He finally found one, named Amy. She was a short blonde girl who took her job way to seriously.

Right after I said that she walked in sandwiches in hand. "Oh hi, um sorry but if you want to make a appointment you have check with me first and not disturb Mr Costello while his working" The nerve of that little bitch

"Amy it's fine I called Miss Briggs in here" The smug smile dropped from her face.

"Well I bought you a chicken and bacon salad sandwich with spicy mayo" She held up the bag

"Thank you Amy" She smiled up at him dreamily. If only she knew what we just did in this very room.

"Well I better get back Mrs Costello is probably waiting for me, thank you for the talk Mr Costello, bye Amy" With that I walked out the door. I ran straight back to Gabriel's office. When I arrived I knocked on her door. "Gabriel I am so sorry I'm late I got caught up" She opened the door and let me in

"Don't worry about it, I don't have appointments at the moment so your lucky" She laughed. "There was something I wanted to ask you, My parents in law are helping Jonathan and I celebrate our 13 years together by throwing a BBQ. I wanted to know if you'd like to come? It's this weekend and I'd really love it if you could" Parents in law? Wait? Does that mean?

"Um your parents in law? So Jonathan's parents? Like Vladimir's parents?"

"I know I would be putting you in a rather awkward position but the only people who are going to be there are me, Jonathan, Terrence, Vladimir and Celia, My parents in law Jackie and Robert and Lucas"

"Gabriel you really don't have to invite me to family things because you feel bad for me"

"This has nothing to do with feeling bad for you, I know you see me as your boss but to me your my friend and I'd really love it if you would come" She put her hands up in like a praying manner.

"Fine I will come, I just don't know how I'm going to get there?" I said more to my self then her

"Blake will take you of course, don't worry Jackie and Robert know you are a human and they know you know their vampires but please don't say anything about Vladimir and Celia's arranged marriage, his mother doesn't know about it, she thinks their in love" She laughed slightly at that.

"What? If Vladimir's mother doesn't know how did they arrange it?" I was so confused

"Well Robert made the arrangements himself, he likes to keep his wife in the dark about a lot of things but if she knew what he was planning she would never allow it"

"Then why not tell her so she can put a stop to this awful idea? That way Vladimir won't have to marry Celia"

"Sweetie you have to understand that a royal vampire family needs alias strong ones and if Robert things Celia's family can help us in a long run then were going to take it" She gave me a sympathetic smile and continued working on her computer.

After work finished I was just packing up when I heard a voice I didn't think I'd hear in this part of the building "Hello Lucy" She came over and sat on the couch

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