The job

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I didn't have a alarm, so the only way I had to get up was my neighbour Shelly. She gets up at 6:30 to get ready for work and she always wakes me up with a mug of coffee. She was the only friend I had around here. Her husband divorced her and with her family being so religious and divorce being shunned down upon she was forced to move away.

She always said I reminded her of her daughter. I don't know what happened to her kid I never had the courage to ask but maybe that's why she took such a liking to me.

When she woke me up I was dead to the world, I didn't get any sleep that night due to the fact that tomorrow could very well be my last day on this planet. I had no idea what to wear considering the only job I ever had required a smock so I just put on some dark tight jeans and a winter coat I picked up for $20 at the second hand cloths store.

I drank my coffee and ran down stairs to wait for the person who was supposed to be picking me up. Before I could make it out the door though I was stopped by Ralph the manager of the apartment complexes. He was always giving me the shits just because I was sometimes a little late on the rent

"Linda I was ju..."

"My name isn't Linda it's Lucy" I interrupted "and if this is about the rent don't worry Your going to get your money" He narrowed his eyes at me

"Well I'd better because one more slip up and you'll be on your ass first thing Monday morning" And with that he walked away. Stupid ass hole all he cares about is money. I looked at the time above the front entrance it said 7:59 oh shit I gotta get a move on.

I dashed out the front and was immediately greeted with a tall man dressed in all black standing in front of a black limousine.
He was holding a piece of paper that read Lucy in big bold letters. Well here goes nothing I thought. I slowly walked up to him "Um hi I'm Lucy" He looked surprised for a second but then he gave me a blank look

"Mr Costello is awaiting your arrive"

"Um Mr Costello?" Who the heck was that?

"Blake I'll take it from here" And then stepped out Vladimir looking as handsome as I remember. This time though he was dressed in a dark blue suit that actually suited him very well. "Lucy how great it is to you see you again please hurry because we don't have much time" He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the limousine with him.

Once seated all the windows went up and I couldn't see a thing "Ok seriously where are we going and why do the windows have to be up?"

"Because my darling my family have a way about being private if you may and since your only human well we can't take any chances on you finding out where we do our business from because if you were to tell anyone then things would just get very messy now sit back and enjoy the ride"

He pulled out two very fancy looking glasses and a bottle of what I'm sure is champagne and filled our glasses "Don't you think it's a little early to be drinking alcohol? And I thought Vampires only drink" I lowered my voice "Blood"?

"Well we do drink blood but we also can eat and drink what you humans have its too complicated to get into detail right now" I Accepted the glass and bought it to my lips. After tasting just a swish I wanted to spit it out. It tasted to rich and I didn't like it one bit. I handed it back to him. After that we fell into a comfortable silence and what felt like 5 minutes we had stopped.

When I stepped out I noticed we were in a garage "Really? Your that paranoid that you don't even want me seeing the front building?" He chuckled and took my hand

"One thing you should know is since its a family run business we do operate everything here. At my parents house"

"What? You seriously do business here? At your family's house? Seriously what kind of stuff do you do?" He shook his head at that

"Darling all you need to worry about is what job I have lined up for you" He took me inside the building and lead me through a couple of doors.

He introduced me to a few people on the way to his office which is where he said we were going. After a little while we stopped in front of two glassed doors and above them had the letters V. C Which I'm guessing what stands for his name. He uncooked it with his key and lead me inside. Once inside I saw a lovely black leather couch to my right and a single chair and I also saw a desk with a telephone, folders and things like that seated on it. I also saw another door. What a room with another room in it?!! That is crazy

"This is where you'll be spending all your time people with appointments come in and sit down there" He pointed to the couch "If a person doesn't have an appointment then they can't see me understood?" I nodded slowly "Now with the telephone it's very easy to work" He made me sit at the desk so I was facing the telephone

"Ok now all you have to do is if you want to answer just pick it up, to transfer them over to my phone line press 2 and to make them hold press 3. Now my old receptionist has highlighted my appointments for the next month all you need to do is if somebody wants to make a meeting with me on a day of their choosing and that's already been highlighted tell them another day that is free ok? write the information down in this diary and let me know ok? Doesn't seem to hard does it?" I shook my head.

After he explained things it all seemed so easy. He went into his office and almost immediately the phone started ringing and I picked it up "Hello Costello's business how may I help you?"

"Yes hello my name Is Christopher Wallis may I please speak to Mr Costello pleas?"

"Please hold" I quickly ran to Vladimir's office "Sir there's a Christopher Wallis on the line who wishes to speak to you"

"Take a message" I did just that. After that things became a breeze and before I knew it, it was time to go home

"Lucy may I please speak with you?" I made my way to his office "I just wanted to say how good of a job you did and I'm very lucky to have hired you" I gave him a small smile

"It was actually very easy, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity"

"I was wondering before I take you home would you like to go out and grab something to eat?" I was very hungry

"Yes I'd love too" He put on his coat, took my hand and lead me out side where the limousine was. We decided he got to pick where we ate because I'm not very familiar with the places in this neighbourhood. The restaurant he chose was so good it was the best thing I had ever eaten before.

Once we finished we headed back to the car and off we went to my apartment. My head was laying on his shoulder. This felt so nice. Too nice.

After it stopped I got out and began walking to the doors but as quickly as ever he got out and put his arm on my shoulder "Lucy wait, I know we only met yesterday but I really like you and I feel something with you I haven't before" Then his lips were on mine in a sweet kiss. I kissed him back just as eagerly. Then he suddenly stopped, he kissed my lips quickly before jumping back in the limousine. I just stood there dazed.

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