Girls night

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"Gabriel how did you know Jonathan was the one for you?" Gabriel and I were sitting in her office having a lunch break.

"The way he makes me feel, the history we have together. One of the main reasons why I think he is the one is because every time life threw an obstacle at us we always made it back to each other stronger then before"

"What obstacles could life have thrown at you?" I asked curiously.

"Well before we fell in love our families were rivals, Our fathers hated each other to the bone and being as we are we stuck by our families and hated each other as well" She said taking a bite out of her sandwich

"What changed? How did you fall in love?" She smiled and looked at me

"Well one night I was walking home, it was late, the moon was the only light guiding me. On the way I was ambushed by a group of Vampire hunters....." I cut her off

"Wait vampire hunters exist?"

"Well they did in the year 1950. Not so much now a days. Anyway I was ambushed and these guys knew everything about vampires weaknesses from studying them closely and doing re search on them and what not, they had just tied my hands up ready to plunge a stake right though my heart when all of a sudden all the men were being hauled off me. When I looked up to thank my hero I saw it was Jonathan, he had rescued me and I guess that's when we started hanging around each other and then we developed feelings for one another"

I was about to ask her another question when Celia walked in. Looking as beautiful as ever. God how I envied her.

"Hi Gab, I was just wondering are you still on for ladies night tonight? Aubrey and Riley want to know so we can get things organised"

"Yeah me and Lucy are in" Wait what? What's going on?

"Lucy? She's coming with us?"

"Of course she is, Jonathan is leaving at 6:30 so tell us girls to come by at say 10 to 7? Oh and make sure you bring the things you were told to bring" Celia's jaw was set tight but then she plastered on a flake smile

"Of course, I'll see you ladies tonight" With that she walked out

"Gabriel what are you talking about? Girls night? Seriously?"

"Oh you have to come, Please don't leave me with those crazy girls" I smiled at her

"Fine I'll come but only because it's making Celia mad" 


When the time came for me to leave to go to Gabs house Vladimir didn't like it one bit.

"Your seriously going to ditch me to hang out with those girls? Come on if you stay I promise you won't be disappointed" He started kissing my neck. He came over straight after work and we made love before I had to leave

"Stop that or you'll leave a hickey" I swatted him away "I'm sorry but I promised Gab I'd go but I will make it up to you, I'll cook your favourite food wearing nothing but those nice heels you bought me" I said kissing his lips softly. He moaned at the imagine I was putting in his head.

"Ok fine you can go, but I'll miss you" I laughed kissed his nose

"I'll miss you too" We said our goodbyes and I made my way out the front where Blake was waiting for me.

I got to Gabs house with only 5 minutes to spare before the others started to arrive. Once inside Gabriel gave me a bunch of rules

"Aubrey is the red head ok, Her and Celia have known each other for a lot of years. Don't talk about marriage and stuff because she just got divorced" I nodded "Riley is the black haired girl, She likes girls so if she hits on you tell her your not interested " Just as she finished talking the door bell rang.

She opened it and in stepped the girls. "Gabriel oh my gosh it feels so long since we seen you" The black head said. Guessing that's Riley and next was the Red  head

"Look at you, have you lost some weight?" When they both saw me they stopped dead short "Excuse me can you go and get the wine bottles from the cellar please?" I looked at her confused. Did she think I was a maid?

"Oh Aubrey no that's not the maid, That's my friend Lucy" Aubrey snorted

"You call someone who works for you a friend? Pathetic" I looked at her wide eyed "Celia told me she works as your receptionist" Gab gave her a hard glare

"Well Celia shouldn't be talking about my life to you at all, and I don't appreciate you talking to my friend like that, If you continue to be rude  Aubrey you'll be leaving my house" Riley sensing trouble came and stepped in

"Just a big misunderstanding, No harm done right?" The girls nodded but still had sour looks on their faces. That's when Celia walked in.

"Hey girls I got the wine and......" Noticing the tension in the air she stopped short "What's wrong?"

"Why do you feel the need to always discuss my private life with other people Celia?" She looked like a deer caught in headlights.

"I'm sorry Gab, I might have let it slip that Lucy worked for you but that's all I said" She turned to Aubrey with a glare. She gulped.

"It's fine really, No harm done" I said trying to stop the fight that was brewing.

We all moved towards the lounge room.

"Now I have pride and prejudice, The other Boleyn girl and while you were sleeping. Which one first?" After arguing on what to watch we finally decided on The other Boleyn.

We ate sweets and after the movie we talked about girly things. Celia was always mentioning Vladimir's name and a smile would always show up on my face. God he has such an effect on me. I got up to get some water, When Aubrey followed me

"I know your secret and if you want to keep your life you'll put an end to it now" I looked at her in disbelief. How did she know? "You think I wouldn't know? I know you like Vladimir ok, And it has to stop because their getting married soon" I blew a breath of relief. She only thought I'd liked him not that we were seeing each other.

"I'm sorry but I don't like him, His a nice guy but I don't like him and I wouldn't ruin their relationship" She turned her nose up at me and walked out. She gave me the creeps and bad. So I texted Vladimir and asked him to pick me up. He replied immediately and said he would here in 20 minutes. Thank god. I told Gabriel I wasn't feeling well and needed to leave.

I walked out the front and a couple blocks up the road where he said he would meet me. I ran to his car and jumped in hugging him. I really needed his loving right now.

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