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december 26th, 2015 (two years later)

After finding out that  Fleur's mom's boyfriend was not only rude, disrespectful and aggressive towards her, but also wanted her out of the house, Ashton did everything possible he could, including a serious talk with Fleur's mom, making it eventually possible for Fleur to move out of that house.

Ever since then she lived with him, making him the happiest man and her the happiest girl. They had their up's and down's, but they needed eachother and they knew it.


dear ashton,

i have no words to explain how thankful i am for these past two years with you. you showed me that life is really worth living, i couldn't be any more happy about being with you than i already am.

you make me a better person, not only by being with me, but by showing me all the things i would've missed out on, if it wasn't for you. you are a beautiful human being with a precious soul and i hope you know that.

i remember writing the very first letter to what i thought was only an abandoned building, the only thing living in there being the broken dreams of whoever used to live there, but i couldn't be more wrong about that, because it turned out that an amazing and understanding human lived there, and that human decided to write back to me, not knowing how i would react.

i am literally so happy to have you and i feel so blessed by your presence every single day. the first thing i've been seeing every morning for the past 18 months was either your bare back or your chest and your beautiful face, every morning memorizing your features a little more.

my life made a 180 turn from the moment i started writing those letters to you, and i didn't even know it.

this years christmas has now just passed around and as i am writing this letter, the first one in more than a year, you sit down in the basement, i don't know what you're doing because you said you would be drumming, but i can't hear a single sound.

along these past two years we've learned so much about eachother, making it nearly impossible to hide anything from us, and i don't know if thats a good thing or not.

ashton, you make me so fucking happy, i am literally the happiest i have been all my entire life, and that's all because of you (and a little bit because of michael).

i love you.

yours sincerely,


its over and i'm emo
i hope you liked reading this story as much as i liked writing it and if you did i'd appreciate it very much if you maybe voted or left a comment on your favorite part or maybe shared it with your friends or recommended it to someone who's seeking for something new to read, just whatever ;) anyways, thank u and i love u.

yours sincerely | irwin auWhere stories live. Discover now