
286 17 8

october, 3rd 2013

dear ashton,
where are you? you haven't answered for eight days. i mean if you don't wanna talk to me anymore because i scared you off, then its okay.

i just thought that you'd like to write to me, i don't know. you seemed to care. i'm really sorry if i disturbed you in any way, i can just stop writing to your adress and find another.

i just wanted to get things off my chest, it kinda helped me. anyways, it was nice talking to you. nobody else cares about my problems. but anyway, since i am already in the middle of writing this letter i'm gonna tell you about whats new, alright?

well, one of my old friends, his name is calum, decided to talk to me again. he was also friends with casey, my former best friend.

its all her fault that so mich s.hit is going on, with all the rumors and stuff. calum and me talked a bit, and we don't hate eachother, which is good i think.

he was always the one that kept quiet, when casey went all bi.tch on me. he apologized for everything and told me he doesn't talk to any of them anymore.

not casey, not her friends. and that he doesn't care if they insult him for hanging out with me. that kinda shows me that he really wants to be friends and that he really cares, you know?

i feel like i always end my letters with some stupid excuse, but honestly i have to go because calum just texted me and we're getting coffee, so yeah.

yours sincerely,

I finished writing and put the letter into an envelope and slid it into my bag. Pulling on my sweater and shoes I stumbled down the stairs. My mom wasn't home, again.

I took my bag and keys and went outside, where Calum was already waiting, his hands buried deep into his pockets. "Hey Calum." I smiled and his face lit up.

"Hey." He said cheerfully and opened his arms for me. I hugged him, burying my face in his chest. His arms wrapped around me tightly, he mumbled into my hair.

"Starbucks or the little café a few blocks down?" I loosened myself from his arms and looked up at him. "The café." Smiling he put his arms around my shoulders.


Laughing we escaped from the now cold and windy outside and stepped into the café. "And she really started crying?" Calum nodded.

"Yeah, but after that she started going all bitch on me." Chuckling he led me to a small booth in the back of the café. "Ridiculous." I stated. "Casey is just a dumb bitch, honestly." Calum mumbled, taking off his jacket.

A few minutes later a young girl with an apron came over to our table, obviously the waitress. "Hey, what would you like to drink?"

"I'd like a Cappuccino, please." Calum ordered, looking at me with a questioning look.

"I'll take the same." The waitress nodded and disappeared behind the counter again to make our coffees.

"So, how are you?" Calum asked, looking at me again, waiting for me to say something.

I shrugged, not really knowing what to say. Physically I was fine but mentally there were a few things that were bugging me.

"I'm okay, you?" I finally answered, not really honest, though.

"Only okay? What's wrong? And don't shit me, because I know there is something wrong, Fleur." He asked concerned, worry washing over his face.

"Nothing, it's just really stupid, I don't know." I sighed, trying to change the subject. I was uncomfortable with talking about the one topic that bugged me the most.

"Fleur, if it's bugging you it's nothing stupid. Just tell me, you know that I can keep secrets like no other." And that was true, Calum kept his mouth shut. Secrets were always safe with him and I knew that if I had any problems I could always give him a call, even if it's the middle of the night.

"Okay, okay. It's just that my mom has this new boyfriend and he's an absolute asshole." I sighed again.

"Tell me about him." Calum demanded, looking at me serious.

"I don't know much about him, I just know that he's about 45 years old and has no children. I don't care enough about him to want to know a bit more." I sighed.

"Oh okay." Calum nodded. "What makes him an asshole?"

"Well, at first I thought it was good for my mom to have boyfriend because then she wouldn't sleep around anymore..." I trailed off.

Calum nodded again, waiting for me to continue. "I thought it couldn't get any worse than that, but then he moved in."

I pulled up my sleeves, just to reveal a few bruises on my arm. Calum's eyes widened as the realization hit him. "He fucking hits you?" He nearly screamed. "Shh, please don't be so loud." I begged, looking around but luckily no one was looking at us.

"Fleur, you have to tell someone. This is not right. Does he hit your mom too?" He looked at me, concern flashing over his features.

I shrugged. "I don't know, but I don't think so."

"Fleur, I'm serious you have to tell someone or I will-"

"Here are your Cappuccinos. Enjoy." The waitress said smiling, interrupting what Calum was going to say.

"Thank you." I mumbled, taking a sip from it.

We both didn't talk for a few minutes until Calum cleared his throat. I looked up to him and saw him staring into my soul.

"I'm serious about what I said before. You need to tell someone and by someone I mean the police or something. But first you should talk to your mom because she deservs to know first. He's her boyfriend after all." Calum explained.

I nodded again. "I know but I'm pretty sure she won't believe me. She's a crap mom and you know it. You've met her plenty of times. Was she ever nice to you?"

"Well, no but-"

"No but's. She won't believe me. She'll think that I'm just jealous and that I don't want her to be 'happy'." I sighed.

"Okay but if he hurts you one more time I'll hunt him down and cut off his penis. Please call me if he lays a hand on you again, okay?"

"Okay, I will."

"Pinky promise?" He smiled at me. "Pinky promise." I answered and linked my pinky with his, making him smile even more.

After we were both done, Calum insisted on paying for me even though I had told him a thousand times that I'd be able to pay my coffee myself. But of course he had to go all gentleman on me.

Once we were at my house, it was already dark outside. We both walked up to my porch, before I opened the front door I turned around to face him.

"Thank you, Calum." I whispered, pulling him into a tight hug.

He put his strong arms around me and pressed me to his chest.

"No need to thank me, Fleur. That's what friends are for, right?"

I nodded, not wanting to let go. Calum was one of my closest friends and I seriously didn't know what I would do without him. I loved him so much, but only as a friend of course.

"Love you, Cal." I whispered into his chest, not even sure if he had heard it.

"Love you too, Fleur." He mumbled, kissing my forehead.

"Goodnight, take care." He said, before letting me go and walking away from my house.

Honestly, I was so glad that me and Calum were friends again.

Ignoring my mom and her so-called boyfriend I walked up to my room, getting ready to go to bed.

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yours sincerely | irwin auWhere stories live. Discover now