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september, 24th 2013

dear fleur,
i'm really sorry about everything bad going on in your life. i can understand you pretty good, with all your mother drama. i would feel like shit myself in that kind of situation.

you said my house was down the road from yours, so i guess you don't live too far away. aren't you the girl with the lilac hair? if yes, i've actually seen you a few times before. you look pretty.

oh my god, this must sound so creepy, considering that you think no one lives here. amyway, i'm ashton, i'm 19 years old and i am in fact still a virgin too, if that makes you more comfortable.

i used to play the drums a lot, but i don't do that anymore, because of personal reasons. i live down the road from you, in the 'old abandoned house', which is in fact not abandoned, since i live here.

i have just finished school this summer. and i don't know what else to say about me, i guess i like music and long walks a lot. it calms me.

if you don't mind me asking, how did that new boyfriend of your mother insult you?

i look forward to getting an answer from you.

yours sincerely,

My eyes wandered over the words written on the piece of paper in front of me. I was actually quite shocked.

I always thought nobody lived there, in that old house down the road. Turns out I was wrong all the time.

I glanced at the clock on my bedaide table, noticing it was already past 11. I've been sitting at my desk, studying that letter, reading it over and over again, for more than three hours.

Finally I got up and went out on the balcony, in desperate need of a cigarette.

My eyes landed on the house down the road, and if I looked closely I could actually see the lights on in one of the windows.

I finished my cigarette and got ready for bed. I'd answer the letter tomorrow.


yours sincerely | irwin auWhere stories live. Discover now