
305 17 2

september, 22nd 2013

dear whoever,
im sorry for not writing in a week. i had a lot of shit to put up with, because my mom got a new boyfriend.

he's a really horrible person, i swear. like, he walked into the house and immediately insulted me, before he even knew my name. he is literally so rude, whatever.

i asked my mom what the hell this even was and she told me that 'jack' was her new boyfriend, whom she met when she was out the fucking week before.

and guess what? that douche is living with us now. he fucking moved in. my mom didn't even ask me, like what the fuck. they knew eachother for a dam.n week and he already moved in.

i swear if i could, i'd leave. but unfortunately i can't. jack just makes me crazy. he's been living with us for only a week but he's already put me through so much shit. it makes me sick. i just wanna leave.

i sometimes sit out on my rooftop, watching the stars, thinking of how much better i could actually be if i wasn't living here. but honestly i really don't know where to go. i just don't know.

actually i have to go now, because i'm really hungry, i'm sorry.

yours sincerely,

I neatly put the folded letter into an envelope and placed it on my desk.

Strolling down the stairs I pulled my favourite sweater over my head and fished my earphones out of my pocket, plugging them into my phone.

I closed the door and started playing my music. With All Time Low blasting amd my freshly made sandwich in my hand I walked down the street, intending to go over to Michael's.

But then I remembered that today was Michael and his girlfriend's anniversary. I better not go there then.

When I passed the old abandoned house I quickly chucked the letter into the mailbox that stood at the street.
I could hear something a few metres from me and looked around, my gaze falling on a cat that just ran out of the bushes in the garden of the house.

Since I decided against visiting Michael, I just walked back home. Almost back at my house, I noticed a boy on the opposite side of the street, just sitting on a bench.

He looked up and I could see his face, recognizing him. It was Calum Hood, one of the friends of my former best friend Casey, who actually caused all the s.hit going on, because she started all the rumors and stuff. Calum stood up and walked over to me.

"Hi." he mumbled, his hands buried in his pockets. "Hey Calum." I answered hesitantly, afraid that he's going to insult me.

"You know.." he paused. "I don't hate you." I looked up to him, smiling lightly. "And I don't think you're a whore." he added smiling.

I was honestly a bit surprised about the fact that he actually talked to me ehilse we were in public. Normally none of Casey's friends talked to me, especially not in public, because they didn't want to be seen with me.

"Do you still have my number?" Calum suddenly asked, ripping me out of my thoughts. I shook my head no. "Figured." He nodded. "I deleted all the numbers when you guys started ignoring and insulting me."

I remembered that Calum was actually never insulting me, he always kept quiet. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, tapping away on his screen, probably typing a message.

Seconds later my phone vibrated in my pocket, signaling that I had a new message. I smiled, knowing it was him. "Maybe we can get coffee together sometime." He smiles down at me. I nodded and he turned around, walking away. "Wait, Calum!"

He turned around, looking at me questioningly. "Why do you talk to me? Doesn't Casey insult you for that?" He shook his head, smiling lightly. "I'm sure she does, but I don't care. I don't talk to her anymore."

Now I was the one to look at him with a questioning look. "She's a horrible person." He stated the obvious, laughing a little. "And I talk to you because I like you."

I nodded, understanding him completely. "But I really have to go now, i'll text you, okay?" he smiled. "Okay." I nodded, again. He pulled me into a quick hug and then rushed off.


yours sincerely | irwin auWhere stories live. Discover now