10 day.

268 18 2


I was in my room making beats for this one song I made called 14,400 minutes. I finished up the song and made my way to the kitchen to grab an orange soda. I sit on the couch and watch some tv my phone started to ring I pull it out and look at the name it read out reggie I pick up.


"Ayo chance what you on tonight fam" he asked with music playing in the background

"Umm nun much just gone chill out in the house why wassup"

"You trying to go out tonight hit up this club smoke sum" he said

"Yea sure come get me" I get up from the couch

"Cool on my way" he hangs up

I walk upstairs to my room and grab my hoodie off the bed and throw it on I really was trying to impress everyone I'm just going to have some fun. I hear a horn outside I get my phone, wallet, and keys then walk out the door. My nigga Reggie had pulled up in his black jeep and we jetted out I plug my phone up to the aux cord and played some A.S.A.P Rocky the song Angels. We pull up to the club it was lit asf we finally got inside and made our way to the back I flopped down on the couch I grabbed the hookah and inhaled deeply I blow it out slowly I then get up and go to the bar. The bar tender politely asked me.

"What would you like to drink"

"Just give me a beer love" I asked looking at the crowd of people

"Here you go handsome"

I walked off back to the couch and see Reggie hug up with two white bitches one of them sits by me and takes a sip of my beer I just look at her my eyes caught hers they where blue kinda reminded me of the sacashean sea. I then take my phone out it was 2:05 in the morning my night was just getting started my G

A/N: This is an AU story so ya I hope you like it vote 5+ comments 4+ s/o to my best friend for the cover.


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