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Damn it's boring as fuck without Mariah here with me she was the only one that keep me company I'm losing my mind in this house as of right now I'm waiting downstairs for my mom so I can drop her off at the airport. Thank god she leaving she was getting on my last nerve talking about ken my dad she says that he going to start visiting her more often since they talk now. I was flicking through the channels and seen my mom come downstairs I got up and helped her out to the car.

"Chancelor be careful with those bags"

"Ight" I put the bags in the back and pull off

"You ok chance"

I scratch my chin "ya I'm straight, why you ask?"

"I just feel like after I said that to Mariah I feel really bad"

"Well ma it was just out of line what you did it's not cool you didn't even give her a chance"

"Chancelor I'm sorry I will apologize to her"

"Ok ma"

I pull up to the airport and get her bags and I walk with her to were she will get on the plane we sit and wait. Even though I'm slick mad at her I will miss her like crazy she lives all the ways in L.A and I'm here in Chicago doing me. She gets up so she can get on the plane I give her and big hug and kiss her cheek.

"I love you mama" I say letting her go

"I love you too baby"

She walks off and looks at me one last time before getting on she starts crying damn why she always do that she knows I hate seeing her cry. She gets on the plane and I watch it take off I shed a tear and walk back to my car. My phone starts to ring and its Mariah I smile and pick up.


"Hey chance are you still coming to bring me lunch cause it's five minutes before we go"

"Yeah what you want"

"McDonald's love" she says sweetly

"Ok baby I got I'll be there in a minute ok"

"Ok chance" she hangs up

I drive to the nearest McDonald's to Mariah school I get her what she wants and ask then can they make it hot Mariah will kill me if its not how she wants it to be. I make my way to her school I was right on time to I go to the front office and ask for her when she comes I just stare at her up and down its like I haven't seen her in years I pull her into a hug and kiss her deeply.

"Damn chance you must really missed me"

"Yeah I really did"

"Have you been crying"she looks at me deep in my face

"Yeah to be honest I dropped my mom off today"


"Yeah but I'm cool,here's your food i love you and I will be here at 3:50 to pick you up"

"Ok baby I love you to" she kisses me and Walks away

I walk back to my car and go home to wait on Mariah I think to myself that's my baby. 😘😏

A/N: hope you like it sorry it took so long votes 4+ comments 2+


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