Pusha Man.

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I was in my room on the computer making beats for my new song. I hummed the lyrics in my head it sounds pretty good. My phone started to ring it was Mariah of course I quickly answered the phone.

"Hello" I asked

"Hey chance baby, what you doing"

"Working on my new song what about you"

"Finna go shopping for a graduation dress you still coming right"

"Of course I am I wouldn't miss it for the world girl" I said smiling

"Great well um im finna head out with my sister and maybe I'll be over there later."

"Ok iah sounds good to me" I scratched my head

"Ight bye Bae"

"Bye love" I hang up

I put my phone in my pocket and head downstairs to see what I got in the fridge I just pull out a pop and drink it I get another call from my main man sunny that's weird cause he never calls me I answered my phone.

"Wassup sunny?" I say

"Yo chance man good news bro I played your demo to my homeboy Vic he went crazy over the shit he said he wants to talk to you about a deal yo" he said

"What nigga are you dead ass"

"Dead ass serious bro he wants to meet you tomorrow afternoon at the studio"

"Cool I'm free I'll be there" I hang up

Is this my time? Is this my moment? Damn I'm lucky asf I need to tell Mariah or somebody



I was getting dressed for Mariah's graduation tonight I still haven't told her about the good news i received today I'll do it later during our dinner. I get to the place where she was graduating from and I take the closest seat that's near Mariah so I can get a better look. I see her in the third to last row she was so beautiful like damn. They finally called out her name she got her diploma and took her seat after a while it was over I made my way to her car and waited for her she finally showed up.

"Chance you really came" she hugged me tight

"I told you that I was baby but, i have some good news I want to tell you"

"What is it baby" she says as she put her stuff in the car

"Ight so earlier today I get a call from sunny and he told me that he played my demo tape to vic Mensa and they want to have a meeting with me tomorrow afternoon"

She screams "holy fuck chance omg I'm so proud of you oh my god Bae all that hard work paid off"

"Yea i know" I chuckled

Tomorrow was my big day I had to be ready life's good right now.

Y'all I'm so sorry for this late ass update I swear I'm gone get better I promise but y'all keep reading and keep voting please don't let me down.


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