Juke Juke.

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It's Friday and I'm here at Mariah school picking her up I heard the bell ring and i see some kids and then I see Mariah she was talking to some females. She saw me and wave to her friends and go in the car she kissed my cheek.

"Hey chance" she says and I pull off

"Hey ma, how was school"

"It was straight"

"Mmm" I say

"What's wrong chance"

"Nothing just thinking about this song I wrote"

"You write songs I didn't know that"

"Yea I do I'll let you hear one, maybe"

She chuckles "ok chance"

We pull up to my house and got out the car Mariah walked in the house and put her back down on the floor and went straight to the kitchen. She went to the cabinet and grabbed a bag of chips and sat on the couch to watch tv I sat next to her and took her chip

A/N: so short I'm so sorry for the late ass update next chapter will be better promise and I will start updating to more often I love yall


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